Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

they went from 1.2 to 1.9 million.


According to global news, in Toronto about 1400 1 million dollar homes were bought and sold in the first 6 months this year.
I noticed the 4S advertised a new release of suites today in the paper. No doubt hoping that a few out-of-towners with a lot of disposable income will decide to make an investment. Maybe Brad and Angelina's 12th home?
Four Seasons E Entertainment party at the home of the new 200 meter tall tower.

I wish they had film festival type crowds in Yorkville 6 months of the year: stylish beauties everywhere for this single guy to stare at. If you look on your TV tonite (I don't have a tv) I should be on there somewhere....

With perhaps 10 more highrise condos that area is gonna have a real exciting buzz all year 'round i hope. I've scouted out sites for at least 30 more highrises....

But it appears that like those less well off souls, even the rich prefer to hang out in tents;)

Also hard to imagine but--this time next year I predict that "tent city" E party will be one giant grave digging site for 4 season's foundation. 3 year's from hence it will be one giant celeb-central affair--maybe just roll a giant red carpet from one end of yorkville ave to the other? That's a good idea...
Hey guys,

I was just looking at the parkette renderings on page 10 of this thread, and I have a few questions.

I realize I am way out of the loop on this project, so I apologize, but I guess some fan of this project may be able to answer me:

1.) Is the project approved?

2.) Will the park design remain as we have seen in renderings to date. (Page 10 of this thread)... I love the park, I am hoping that it will not be changed at all!

Thanks in advance!
Actually all the buildings in that photo could be razed and I would be happier! Ugly layers of cheap crap. Ironic how the ghetto side of Yorkville (east of Bay St) will have the best 4 buildings in the area: firehall, library, 18 Yorkville and now 4 Seasons.

Does anyone know any implosion experts--I've got a huge job for them:)
No, that office building was recently renovated. So I don't see it coming down anytime soon.

Once the Four Seasons is complete, that parkade will disappear for sure. You are correct there, sir.
While the parkade is not pretty, and no-one would miss it for its aesthetic value, it is practical and often busy. Have there been any indications from the Toronto Parking Authority that they are poised to redevelop that structure? I can envision a redevelopment on that site containing a deep public garage with better uses up top. More than that though, I hope the Four Seasons spurs on the long rumoured redevelopment of Cumberland Terrace.

While the parkade is not pretty, and no-one would miss it for its aesthetic value, it is practical and often busy. Have there been any indications from the Toronto Parking Authority that they are poised to redevelop that structure? I can envision a redevelopment on that site containing a deep public garage with better uses up top.

I'm sure the city would make the trade for underground parking, once the value of the real estate makes running a parkade a money losing venture for the city. ( I know...they don't have to pay taxes on it)

The amount of tax revenue losses will infact be greater than the revenue from the parking reciepts at that time (4S complete), it will be a good idea to make a deal with developers.

A weak cost-benefit analysis on my part.
