Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

Re: happiest day this year

Hooray the eyesore is disappearing! I hope some traces of the old Yorkville streetcar barns emerge. (It was fascinating to see the old tracks off Albert Street in downtown Ottawa around 1990 when a similar site was redeveloped).)

On an unrelated note, what's with the preoccupation with old-fashioned measuring units? Please use metres!
Photos, photos! I wish I could be there to celebrate the demolition.
Down she comes...



I'm so pleased to see the old clock tower freed from that modern blunder. Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty it's free at last!
The most amazing pictures. Wow!!

it has begun. (of course sales only) but still a beginning.
Those pictures are making my day greebnerg - thanks for sharing the joy!

Greenberg... since your are in the area...

How is the Pierre (I think there was a name change) coming along (I can see the white crane in the background) and the base of the Recency appears to have some dark cladding going up at the north end.

The Regency could look like the dogs breakfast or be mildly interesting depending on the materials used - although it appears to have far too many styles and colours in the cladding according to renderings.

Yorkville Ave is undergoing so much change with the Hazleton, 100 Yorkville, Minto Yorkville, Regency, Four Seasons, Four Season Parkette, 18 Yorkville Parkette and 18 Yorkville. It's too bad with all the new development and the wealth of the retail that something similar to the Bloor St. Revitilization or a cobblestone concept for the street itself couldn't be done to further enhance the street and district.
Mike - what's the Pierre's old name? Lotus? Isn't it a little late for that project to change names? Or am I barking up the wrong balcony?

Yorkville Ave, east of Yonge St. is in for a major revietatlization.

What happened with the old hotel before will happen 10X fold with the New even more upscale 5 star hotel tower.
Interchange, I just didn't remember what the correct name was... I think it was originally the Pierre and then they changed it to the Lotus, or maybe it's the other way around...
Lotus is the current name. I had totally forgotten that there was an earlier version of that project, but you're right, there was. It probably was the Pierre - I just don't recall...

Yorkville Ave, east of Yonge St. is in for a major revietatlization.

What happened with the old hotel before will happen 10X fold with the New even more upscale 5 star hotel tower.

i think you mean east of Bay
