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I don't want to see three point towers next to each other being cleared for almost the same height. Especially three very thin point towers. It's boring.

Development, change, and height are good. But sometimes a bad idea is simply a bad idea. I hope city hall decapitate 2 of them.
IMO I don't actually care about the height. It's the 3 buildings squished together that is sad. I would rather one Gehry or 3 scattered around the city instead of this 3 in a line bogus cash grab.

I'm with you on that... and the impact the height of all 3 towers is wasted when viewed directly from the east or west as they overlap each other being built essentially in a straight line. However, with developments in all directions, from the north/south, these towers will actually look pretty decent on the skyline. (if they live up to their design aesthetics)
And definitely, if all 3 were scattered across the city they might look better on their own, but it's a bold move seeing 3 massive towers all with very interesting designs built right next to each other.

*I initially thought that they should have more height variation between the towers, but the more I think of it, I think them all having flat roofs is the problem.
I don't want to see three point towers next to each other being cleared for almost the same height. Especially three very thin point towers. It's boring.

Three 80+ floor towers does look very odd - even clumsy. I would hope that they stagger the heights of two of them. Depending on the shape and cladding, this could actually draw more attention to the merits of specific design elements of each of the three buildings.
I actually think that having them lined up and being of similar heights accentuates their monolithic presence, which is a good thing from my perspective. Additionally, given that they each have their own unique design, I don't think it's necessary to variate their height in order to create any kind of visual contrast.
I am going to go out on a limb here, but I am not overly impressed with these towers at this point. Grant it what we have seen thus far may not be fully indicative of what Mr. Gehry has in mind. Spruce Street in NYC is iconic, and I just don't get that vibe with these three towers. Maybe its the lack of cohesion between the towers, each one competing for attention. This is a little too Dubai Marina for me. I would prefer one tall iconic tower with two shorter towers that are playing off and complimenting the taller. I don't see how each tower relates to the other in this proposal. Its a bit of a mish mash mess...
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The ones complaining about these towers would be praising them if they were proposed in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo etc... as well they be would asking "why can't Toronto get world-class iconic designs like this??" These towers are prefect. I hope they don't get chopped or re-designed, just leave them the way they are.
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The ones complaining about these towers would be praising them if they were proposed in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo etc... as well they be would asking "why can't get Toronto get world-class iconic designs like this??" These towers are prefect. I hope they don't get chopped or re-designed, just leave them the way they are.

+1, well said gabe
The ones complaining about these towers would be praising them if they were proposed in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo etc... as well they be would asking "why can't Toronto get world-class iconic designs like this??" These towers are prefect. I hope they don't get chopped or re-designed, just leave them the way they are.

As I understand it, what we have seen so far is a series of conceptual drawings rather than renders. I would like to see actual renders before commenting one way or the other on the design. If I am wrong about the assumption, please let me know.
The ones complaining about these towers would be praising them if they were proposed in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo etc... as well they be would asking "why can't Toronto get world-class iconic designs like this??" These towers are prefect. I hope they don't get chopped or re-designed, just leave them the way they are.

+ something i lost count
Add me to the count: leave the Three Sisters as they are!

If Gehry gives his seal of approval, I will trust his judgement: this will be one of his highest profile projects in the world, his legacy to Toronto, the city in which he grew up. I have to believe that he won't bow to a simple money making scheme. If his aesthetic judgement is that the heights can be similar and complement each other, then so be it. I also think that people are underestimating just how many towers will surround these when they are finally built, which will certainly mitigate the impact of any perceived stiltedness in the tripartite design.
The ones complaining about these towers would be praising them if they were proposed in NYC, Chicago, Tokyo etc... as well they be would asking "why can't Toronto get world-class iconic designs like this??" These towers are prefect. I hope they don't get chopped or re-designed, just leave them the way they are.

However, there's a point you're overlooking, which isn't about the towers themselves, but about what they're replacing. And I'm sorry to dredge that issue up again; but it's worth considering because a good number of those doing the complaining wouldn't, actually, have an objection to the towers themselves if it weren't for what's presently on-site. It's not about height or urban form, it's about heritage.

And that point you're overlooking is compounded by your invocation of NYC, Chicago, Tokyo, etc. Because you're offering an if they were proposed scenario, without considering a where they were proposed scenario. And I'll betcha that in any of those centres, if such a proposal threatened anything that could be construed as "heritage"--you'll find objection. And those concerned about the "heritage issue" in Toronto would be no less concerned if a similar issue arose in those cities. And vice versa--heritage-cognizant New Yorkers wouldn't blame their Torontonian counterparts for their concern. You talk about "world-class, iconic"; yet there's a reason why the label "world-class" is too often associated with airheaded rubes.

Sure, in raw terms, if such a scheme came to pass in Tokyo, a lot of us would be saying "oh, wow". But if the subtext was of such a scheme replacing this
a lot of us would be saying "oh, dear"...
