Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

It really is a shame that it could not be 're-purposed' for civic projects elsewhere, ground up and used as gravel seems like a sad end if that is indeed the case for the bulk of it.

I've seen some of the granite that has been removed up close, and it has aged really really badly. Some of the pieces are extremely bowed and deformed. I know that some of the intact pieces that were transported off site were shattered during transit because of this. I can't imagine that it would be very easy or cost-effective to re-purpose it intact. They're better off recycling the material itself and using it for something else.

Its amazing how misleading a photo can be. Under the right lighting conditions and from a distance the old marble has a textured look and its deficiencies are not as obvious. But even under those favorable conditions the new glazing is still superior.
i don't like how the white blinds are visible underneath the black corners... doesn't look to great, but from a distance it's barely noticeable :D

nice photo :D

This was taken yesterday. You can still see some of the old carpet on the right.


Before the reno, from a different angle:

for some reason, the older photo looks much like a much warmer/welcome place to be in, but nonetheless, it's cool to see the switch! i'll check it out sometime and head up later in the month.
this is really off topic, but do you guys know what the broken escalator phenomenon is?... well i looked it up on youtube and found this... and what do ya know, it's FIRST CANADIAN PLACE!... check it out, it's funny.

for some reason, the older photo looks much like a much warmer/welcome place to be in, but nonetheless, it's cool to see the switch! i'll check it out sometime and head up later in the month.

It's definitely the carpet. I've always found the selection of carpet in shades of orange, beige, and brown for that space just didn't match the stark white marble and always ended up looking dingy. They should have gone with cooler tones, which they will be with the reno.

As I mentioned before, there really isn't that much done in the lobby and concourse, aside for the one area you see in digitalis' photo (and the renovated area where Longo's is). Another huge chunk is now behind hoarding and in progress, but they really haven't progressed much beyond the area directly adjoining the elevators. Still, you can get a good sense of the new look and feel on the main floor lobby area as pictured above.
But the "old lobby" is actually very new. Those carpet colours are only the latest incarnation of colour palette that has been used since FCP's opening in 1975... Trust me I was there... and I was there for many years after that. It has been Blue (the Bank of Montreal colours originally used)... Grey... Off white... Beige... and God knows how many other colours over the last 36 years. I think they changed it every 2 or 3 years.
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Any idea on who to contact about getting some of the marble slabs from this? I don't have the time to search through 132 pages of threads to find out if anyone has posted anything...

Please let me know, as I could use about 20 of them.

Any idea on who to contact about getting some of the marble slabs from this? I don't have the time to search through 132 pages of threads to find out if anyone has posted anything...

Please let me know, as I could use about 20 of them.


I'm quite sure you're serious, but find it strangely funny that you want a piece of FCP!
i don't know if you can actually get ahold of some of it. though i'm pretty sure they'll be used for public art and what not, i don't think it's up for grabs, maybe someone else knows on the forum
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But the "old lobby" is actually very new. Those carpet colours are only the latest incarnation of colour palette that has been used since FCP's opening in 1975... Trust me I was there... and I was there for many years after that. It has been Blue (the Bank of Montreal colours originally used)... Grey... Off white... Beige... and God knows how many other colours over the last 36 years. I think they changed it every 2 or 3 years.

So when did the current brown, orange, and beige stuff go in? I know it's been there at least five years, but it doesn't seem like a colour palette I'd associate with the 90s or 2000s.
