Developer: Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario
Address: Eglinton Ave W & Emmett Ave, Toronto
Category: Transit
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): N/A
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: ? storeys
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Toronto Eglinton Line 5 Crosstown West Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

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Nice. They have a plan now.

The Renforth Station connection (now underground/below grade) makes a lot more sense than the old on street connection. So it does look like it's a full subway between Renforth and Mt Dennis

Well technically its not a full subway since the section at Jane is above ground but yes you are correct.
What a collossal waste of money. This could have been done much more cost-effective if it was above ground or heck even elevated.
Is there a reason why they want to go with twin bore tunnels yet again, and not single bore?

I would think that single bore would save a lot on costs, no?
Well, Doug Ford could be getting his biggest desire fulfilled. He will not see the peasants as they use the underground rapid transit vehicles as he drives himself in his SUV in his Kipling Avenue and Eglinton Avenue West neighbourhood.
I wish there was a plan for an additional north-south rapid transit line in it's own ROW in Etobicoke. Kipling is the most logical choice. A BRT could be installed quickly and cheaply and upgraded later if necessary.
I wish there was a plan for an additional north-south rapid transit line in it's own ROW in Etobicoke. Kipling is the most logical choice. A BRT could be installed quickly and cheaply and upgraded later if necessary.

It was in the works years ago. I wish the plan would come back. Connecting it to Renforth would be the most logical choice. Could also go south along the Campa Sub

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It was in the works years ago. I wish the plan would come back. Connecting it to Renforth would be the most logical choice. Could also go south along the Campa Sub

I know of that plan, but I'd rather see a BRT/LRT ROW along the full length of Kipling, from Lakeshore to Steeles for optimal connectivity.
Is there a reason why they want to go with twin bore tunnels yet again, and not single bore?

I would think that single bore would save a lot on costs, no?
Depth of the tunnels in some sections, probably the soil conditions (a quick google search says it's Clayey Silt till which is awful for building structures and large bore tunnels), and the difficulty associated with building island platforms.

It's only being used on Scarborough because that extension includes 3 stations, with 2 stations likely being built cut & cover with crossovers and/or tail tracks, meaning island platforms can be built there quite easily.
I know of that plan, but I'd rather see a BRT/LRT ROW along the full length of Kipling, from Lakeshore to Steeles for optimal connectivity.

yes please

should be noted that the city did designate kipling from lakeshore going north as a future rapid transit corridor a few years ago... so one day... maybe...

Mount Dennis Station to Royal York Road Segment: The alignment is elevated and as such no at-grade interaction of guideway with surface traffic is anticipated. Consequently, transit operations will not have any impacts on traffic operations.​
The proposed Jane and Scarlett Stations will be elevated. Jane Street has been identified as Transit Corridor in the CoT Official Plan and is also a part of the Metrolinx Frequent Rapid Transit Network identified as BRT Corridor. It is understood that Jane Station’s design will also be sensitive to future Jane BRT. Any structural elements supporting the super structure of the Jane and Scarlett Stations might necessitate any lane configuration changes at Jane Street and Scarlett Road intersections in addition to potential modifications due to BRT. Traffic impacts due to such modifications should be assessed in future following finalization of station design. Similarly, the elevated station structures can also restrict traffic signal visibility at both Jane Street and Scarlett Drive intersections with Eglinton Avenue West. Additional signal heads and/or advance flashing warning signs may have to installed to mitigate the restricted visibility.​
Likely the term "BRT" is used to keep Doug Ford happy. Could be changed to "LRT" for Jane Street at some later date and administration. Hopefully, the designers will include knockout panels and provisions for a light rail connection along Jane Street at the Jane Station.


From link.
