Senior Member
Interesting, it appears from that rendering that the bridge will retain it's half circle shape on the HBC end and be rectangular on the EC side.
I'm gonna guess by the time Sak's opens.I like the way it twists. Anyone have any idea of the timeline associated with this?
The exterior looks basically the same as before...? I thought Nordstrom was going to do something... different?
So, that's my first post with photos uploaded directly from my iPhone, much easier to do with the new forum software than the previous one. Woohoo!
Why isn't possible to upload photos directly from one's hard drive?
I'm not seeing where to upload for this particular thread. I can't find the button at the top of the thread like the more popular threads and when I click on image in the reply box it only asks for a web link.
It looks to me like they're just prepping the old enamel panels right now, and that nothing's been replaced yet.