Developer: Shiu Pong
Address: 231 College St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 171 ft / 52.12 mStoreys: 19 storeys
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Toronto Design Haus | 52.12m | 19s | Shiu Pong | Kirkor

That's not going to happen anytime soon. We have plenty of those buildings across town.

I didn't mean to imply that such a result was imminent, just pointing out that the sterilization is ongoing.

I've advocated for intensification on this stretch in another thread so I'm glad to see it becoming a reality but there is still charm to this building. I'd love to at least see the three storeys fronting college restored and have a tower set back behind it. I think I would most lament the loss of the wrought-iron fire escapes. We don't have enough of those.
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I think I would most lament the loss of the wrought-iron fire escapes. We don't have enough of those.

Although the set on this building is rather nondescript, I've always had a fascination for wrought-iron fire escapes. Really a shame that we don't have more apartment blocks and warehouses that have this feature. I was completely enamored when I was exploring the SoHo district of NYC last summer basking in the great wealth of such detailing.

& The neighboring Institute for Christian Studies

Ward 20 - Tor & E.York
OPA / Rezoning

Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning for a proposed 19 storey mixed use building (plus mezzanine) containing an 8-storey podium with a rear platform for outdoor amenity space. A total of 158 residential units including 26 rental apartment units with two levels of below grade parking (53 spaces). A total of 165 bicycle parking spaces are also proposed on the P1, ground and mezzanine floor levels. See related file 13-142127.
Is the existing building being demolished or are they building on the parking lot?
My gut feeling is that it'll be demolished for a fairly non-descript building, given the develop existing portfolio.

I hope I'm wrong, though. There should be enough space on the site if they keep only the front part of the building.

This is the second proposal on College since UofT proposed their ridiculously tall student residence-hopefully there'll be some attempt to control this.
A shame this building isn't listed or designated. The three storeys fronting college should be preserved and restored with the tower set back behind it. Instead we get this clunker.

At the very least the set back from College should be much greater.
The bare minimum they could have done is a simple Kormann House type of incorporation. Something very pedestrian and no-frills but still show adequate consideration for the existing building. What we see instead is a thoughtless hulking mass of glass and spandrel. The massing seems oppressive and there appears to be zero material articulation to connect with the area's history or built form.
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