Developer: Shiu Pong
Address: 231 College St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 171 ft / 52.12 mStoreys: 19 storeys
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Toronto Design Haus | 52.12m | 19s | Shiu Pong | Kirkor


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Aug 8, 2009
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Shiu Pong recently purchased the SE Corner of Huron/College. It seems to be about third of an Acre and currently has a freestanding building consisting of storefronts and apartments.

Don't know if the building is historical.

Interesting to see a proposal
I remember hearing rumours about a potential development here. This site features a fair bit of build-able space including the parking space surrounding it. I'm kind of on the fence here, the existing building is a decent Victorian apartment block with retail space. Shiu Pong's portfolio of past projects has also been pretty inconsistent. Hopefully any future proposal here would resemble more Maxus than Lotus.
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the existing building has a really cool archway in the back that leads into a courtyard for horses or whatever. it's where the pita pit keeps it trash now. they'll have to keep it, its too good.
^ Would love to see building concepts like 250 Bowery lining Spadina (b/w Dundas & College). Clean and attractive contemporary design with references to the classic brick warehouses south of Queen. My ideal form of urbanism.
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Thanks for the excellent shots AlbertC!

