Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

The windows themselves are reflective blue and actually look reasonably like what the rendering promised. But most of the glazing is grey glass and not actual windows that look out from the apartments inside. Quite unfortunate!
Looks like it's nice and blue on sunny days, but without much light it fades into grayness... So it'll look good about 90 days a year or so.
Nov 11 Visit


I am getting so sick of grey. It's on every new building going up. I don't care how much a person loves the colour grey, at some point, it's just too much. We are way passed that point!
The units on the lower levels are going to be in the shade most of the time. Would hate to live in one of those units.
Looks like it's nice and blue on sunny days, but without much light it fades into grayness... So it'll look good about 90 days a year or so.

That's exactly what happens. On really overcast days it looks gray, on cloudy or sunny days the colour varies and it even seems to change based on where it's being viewed from and what it's being contrasted against.
The cladding hasn't climbed out into the open yet tho. Once it gets past that building to the south it'll be in direct sunlight pretty much all the time, and should look a lot blue-r.
That's exactly what happens. On really overcast days it looks gray, on cloudy or sunny days the colour varies and it even seems to change based on where it's being viewed from and what it's being contrasted against.

It's a start. Soon we'll have "Hot Wheel" buildings, and then we'll move onto "mood ring" buildings. It's like adding a 4th dimension to the design. Brilliance.
It's a start. Soon we'll have "Hot Wheel" buildings, and then we'll move onto "mood ring" buildings. It's like adding a 4th dimension to the design. Brilliance.

Or a 5th Dimension, which'd go well with the era that brought us Hot Wheels and "Crystal Blue Persuasion" (mood rings came somewhat later)
Sadly I have to agree. I really had high hopes for this one.

I love how thin the tower is, but they've really failed so far with what I'm seeing for the skin of the building. I was hoping Blu would provide a much needed shock of colour in the neighbourhood.

Perhaps it's a good thing that Bazis lost control of the south east corner of Yonge and Bloor.
Funny that Crystal Blu is the cover of the most recent Condo Guide yet the url found as part of the ad no longer works. They can afford the front page by can't afford to keep a url active?
