Toronto CrystalBlu Condos | ?m | 36s | Bazis | Burka

I've been pointing out that stripe for ages now...

I don't believe it exists on the north facade. It has to do with where the floorplans change about halfway up the tower, and the setup of the facade/balconies changes. It's a paler colour of glass than the rest of the glazing.
Just came back from my voyage to Yorkville but was stumped to find the sun had gone down by the time i got there :(

Here's some pics i took earlier today of Uptown and Crystal (which by the way are very tall and noticeable now!)...

*The pictures turned out fuzzy cause it was dark i think...

Crystal Blu looks really tall depending on where you're standing:






All photos by me: steveve :)

Here's a video i made of Uptown and Crystal tonight:

Srry its kinda dark..


vid by me: steveve :)
With the way the forms are sticking out around the concrete top/ mechanical penthouse of this tower lately, I've decided that an 18 Yorkville-style roof feature would make this building balance out so nicely. It would suit this project very well.

Hey! You're absolutely right!

I think that would go great with crystal! (but unfortunately it probably wont happen :()

It would add something interesting to the building! :)
The silhouette of Blu today near sunset in the centre of the picture

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

maybe you mean the spandrel panels as opposed to the mullions which are the trim at the edges of the windows and spandrels. In any case, ya... the details and materials used here def could have been better. I think most people like it for its thin shape and scale compared to neighbouring buildings... and I am one of them.
Actually, the mullions are the vertical structural elements holding up the windows, and they're on the interior, not the exterior.
However, wouldn't the mullion caps technically be considered part of the mullions?
This building may have a pretty basic, uninspiring design - but it does a great job of filling in space and adding density to the area.
sweet shot of Crystal (and others) during sunset!... Crystal actually looks GREAT in that shot (so does Casa and strangely Manulife Centre!)...

Crystal DOES have pretty basic design but hey!... it does an Amazing job at filling in the skyline and consider this... I don't think they could have put anything much better on the site considering how small it is... There's not alot of room for unique design...
sweet shot of Crystal (and others) during sunset!... Crystal actually looks GREAT in that shot (so does Casa and strangely Manulife Centre!)...

Crystal DOES have pretty basic design but hey!... it does an Amazing job at filling in the skyline and consider this... I don't think they could have put anything much better on the site considering how small it is... There's not alot of room for unique design...

Good lord.
