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Toronto Crosstown LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | Arcadis

The MSFs are the only thing everyone agreed from day one should be done through IO.

But even assuming that the 3 MSF cost $300 million each, and 3 interchange stations are $200 million each, how is $1.5 billion even close to half of $8+ billion?

Add in the $1billion for Sheppard and take out the vehicle costs and you'll get there I think.
Add in the $1billion for Sheppard and take out the vehicle costs and you'll get there I think.
Metrolinx is dealing with the vehicles. And they were also going to take over Sheppard and Finch. And they already had the three MSFs.
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Your reading is no better than your spelling. My original post dealt with what would happen if Sheppard is turned over to DBB, as I predict. Then TTC will have design control and construction oversight for the Eglinton tunnels, all of Sheppard, the SRT extension, and the interchange stations. That is surely over half the Transit City construction project, and it is what they are lobbying for.

There's lots of people here who seem able to put up with your obsessive browbeating and twisting of facts. Take it somewhere else, please.
Your reading is no better than your spelling.
I see no reason for such extreme rudeness. Take it somewhere else, please.

My original post dealt with what would happen if Sheppard is turned over to DBB, as I predict. Then TTC will have design control and construction oversight for the Eglinton tunnels, all of Sheppard, the SRT extension, and the interchange stations.
There's absolutely no basis for such a prediction. And what about your prediction that TTC would also take over the MSFs - which they've not shown any interest in.

That is surely over half the Transit City construction project, and it is what they are lobbying for.
They aren't lobbying for this. Where are you getting this from?
This entire TTC vs Metrolinx battle is incredibly embarrasing. It exemplifies how political, inempt, uncoordinated, and ineffective transit is in the GTA. A bunch of fiefdoms battling for their little line in the sand while the transit weary riders of Toronto have to pack in ever more crowded buses/subways for their long painful commute dreaming of yester year when the citizens of "the city that works" had an enviable transit service.
This entire TTC vs Metrolinx battle is incredibly embarrasing. It exemplifies how political, inempt, uncoordinated, and ineffective transit is in the GTA. A bunch of fiefdoms battling for their little line in the sand while the transit weary riders of Toronto have to pack in ever more crowded buses/subways for their long painful commute dreaming of yester year when the citizens of "the city that works" had an enviable transit service.
What battle? In their first opportunity the TTC voted last week to roll over, and submit to Metrolinx.
Well then they are not driverless really are they? They way it has been stated here is there is no operator at all. So its basically like a plane where it pretty well flies itself but there are still pilots and co-pilot at the helm on each flight. Plus I do not know why people are fixated on these trains needing to be driverless. Just to eliminate a drivers pay per train. As if that will really bring down the fares

Yeah - it would be cost effective - because you can dispatch extra trains to serve the pre and post-football or hockey game crowds and other events - without having to pay a unioized driver for an 8 hour shift. Ditto for eliminating split shifts to cover morning and evening rush hours.
From the TTC website at this link, a Public Open House:

Public Open House: Future Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facility & Western Alignment Update for Keele Street to Jane Street

June 12, 2012

Metrolinx and the TTC invite you to attend an Open House to learn about a number of new developments and improvements for the project and to share your input on preliminary plans for:

  • The future Light Rail Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Facility at the former Kodak Lands
  • Route alignment from west of Keele Street to the former Kodak Lands and extension of the line to Jane Street, including underneath Weston Road
  • A new Crosstown station near Weston Road

Date: Tuesday June 26, 2012

Time: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Location: York Memorial Collegiate (cafeteria, east side) 2690 Eglinton Avenue West (at Keele Street)

Note the notice reads STATION and not STOP. This is a change from the EA, where the recommendation was for a stop.
Leslie should be a "station" not a "stop" too. Having a grade crossing at Leslie/Eglinton will create a bottleneck in rush hour due to the large number of people going to the Don Mills/Eglinton area.
Leslie should be a "station" not a "stop" too. Having a grade crossing at Leslie/Eglinton will create a bottleneck in rush hour due to the large number of people going to the Don Mills/Eglinton area.

I don't think there should be a stop at Leslie at all. The area is mostly parkland and the business on the corner is an auto dealership. Ridership is sure to be extremely low and what ridership there is can continue to be served by the bus service that remains on Leslie St.
I don't think there should be a stop at Leslie at all. The area is mostly parkland and the business on the corner is an auto dealership. Ridership is sure to be extremely low and what ridership there is can continue to be served by the bus service that remains on Leslie St.
Even if there is a stop, I don't see any reason they can't design it so it's on the south side of the road, and doesn't interfere with traffic.
Definitely. Moving it to the south would have benefits with no dis-benefits that I can think of.
Though you may be quiet correct that removing the stop entirely may be a benefit. Though if it may be better for people to get off the Leslie bus in AM rush-hour at Eglinton, and walk to the LRT platform, given how Eglinton is so slow between Leslie and Brentcliffe.

They'd still be better to move it to the south even if there is no stop, to avoid the unnecessary signal on the LRT. This would allow the LRT to run pretty-much un-impeded from Bermondsey all the way to Weston ... with what, 6 or 7 crossings between there and Kennedy if they are serious about avoiding unnecessary crossings. Get rid of some of those unnecessary Scarborough stations, and you could still have quite respectable travel times.
