Toronto Clear Spirit | 131.36m | 40s | Cityscape | a—A

Precisely my thoughts! Sometimes, it is not consistency that is the source of beauty, but surprise. Well-crafted modernist structures can compliment, frame, and flesh out almost any district, but here, Pure Spirits seems to excell. One hopes it will continue to do so upon its completion, and that Clear Spirits, another building with great potential in this vein, does likewise.
Some pictures from the Distillery today.

They have started putting up some glass along the podium:

Some brickwork on the east end of the building:

A view down the laneway on the southside of the new building. I love how the Gooderham & Worts sign will be framed once the construction is out of the way.

Some more brickwork on the southside of the building:

The view from underneath the G&W sign in the previous picture. In the distance you can see Spire (on the right), as well as the Scotiabank building (on the left):
This may be a stupid question (or has already been discussed), but how are they going to manage the undulating balconies seen in the renderings? It seems that the concrete platforms constituting the balconies so far are straight as an arrow. Does it have to do with the railings?
This may be a stupid question (or has already been discussed), but how are they going to manage the undulating balconies seen in the renderings? It seems that the concrete platforms constituting the balconies so far are straight as an arrow. Does it have to do with the railings?

The easiest way to see how it will look when all is said and done is to grab the Google Earth models for all three...Williepoon (sp?) did a great job on them.
Just came back from viewing the status of the construction:

looks like they are taking down the crane??? anyone see what I saw... ?:confused:
Just came back from viewing the status of the construction:

looks like they are taking down the crane??? anyone see what I saw... ?:confused:

That's what it looked like to me.

There is also some interesting landscaping going around in the Distillery laneway near Cafe Uno. They were putting in some massive rectangular rocks that go up about 2 feet from the cobblestone (kind of below the Gooderham & Worts sign). To do this, they took out the wooden wall barrier giving one a better sense of the space between the new building and the existing condos there. It looked good to me.
That's what it looked like to me.

There is also some interesting landscaping going around in the Distillery laneway near Cafe Uno. They were putting in some massive rectangular rocks that go up about 2 feet from the cobblestone (kind of below the Gooderham & Worts sign). To do this, they took out the wooden wall barrier giving one a better sense of the space between the new building and the existing condos there. It looked good to me.

I noticed that as well! and it is looking promising
I hope you are right! my unit is in the loft just under the tower facing south 2nd floor, my worry is that the building is way to close to the other condo. I have never noticed sun shine in that spot... i hope i am wrong ... :eek:
Methinks I spy a white rezoning sign on the carpark across Mill Street from the construction site. Anyone know what it says?
The easiest way to see how it will look when all is said and done is to grab the Google Earth models for all three...Williepoon (sp?) did a great job on them.

Good job on Google Earth. I finally understand the vision for the whole project now.
