If there is appropriate room to merge for the buses, that could theoretically shave 10-15 minutes off of the travel time for hundreds of GO buses and by extrapolation tens of thousands of commuter journeys.
roughly 38 bus lines leaving an average of 60 times per day is 2,280 bus journeys leaving Union Station daily. if each bus carries an average of 27 people then that is 61,560 individual trips per year totalling 923,400 minutes lost (take THAT, Seasons of Love!). That's 15,390 hours, or 641.25 days, or 91.6 weeks, or 1.76 years. Those numbers are all from GO's website btw.
True, it would be a mammoth undertaking that Ivanhoe Cambridge likely has little interest in accomplishing with their partnership with Metrolinx on that portion of the development...
Also true. Hopefully we see the Gardiner become a high line park a la New York's, but if destruction of the Gardiner is still decades out then there might be a feasibility team out there that could make the case for the benefits of direct access over the next generation or so...