Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

move in date

I'm starting to get a little concerned though about them really being ready to occupy the first week of December.

I'm hoping you're wrong as I just sold my house 2 days ago. I did call the sales office just before signing and they told me it should be on time. Cresford has a real push to get this done on time.
Sept. 13

A few closeups in an attempt to capture what's going on inside, I wasn't really successful.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

From Harbord & St. George Sts., then Hoskin Ave. & Devonshire Pl.

Hopefully it won't end up looking like a giant storage unit after a few years.

Me too. Once the building is turned over and a BoD is formed hopefully they'll have management chase those who use their balcony as a storage area. 22 improved this summer but lately I've noticed a few balconies like this at Murano north already.
Looking outside I can see the wee little crane on the roof--a sign the big crane is coming down--this weekend?


Zoom in to blurriness:

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Progress towards completion is very rapid. Insulation and lighting installations for the lobby are well underway; and (this one was relayed to me by an acquaintance) the crane to take down the crane has arrived. Once this baby is lit, all eyes will be on Charles Street!
Hopefully it won't end up looking like a giant storage unit after a few years.

Walked by yesterday and this is a gorgeous building, but I completely agree that this is a rather serious problem for it...but I would go one further than just saying that storage is the only problem.

It seems that the beauty of this building is in its simplicity, translucence and clean lines, all of which will be completely altered when ANYTHING is put on those balconies. Any sort of furniture, deck chairs (god forbid plastic), tables, bikes, etc. will seriously affect how the building looks. I'm not saying it's a for sure thing, but it really hit me like a ton of bricks what a disaster this could become (at least on the exterior). I hope I'm wrong.
It might become a disaster if that part of town morphs into something like the tattier parts of Sao Paulo or Johannesburg...
Walked by yesterday and this is a gorgeous building, but I completely agree that this is a rather serious problem for it...but I would go one further than just saying that storage is the only problem.

It seems that the beauty of this building is in its simplicity, translucence and clean lines, all of which will be completely altered when ANYTHING is put on those balconies. Any sort of furniture, deck chairs (god forbid plastic), tables, bikes, etc. will seriously affect how the building looks. I'm not saying it's a for sure thing, but it really hit me like a ton of bricks what a disaster this could become (at least on the exterior). I hope I'm wrong.

Um... last I checked, this was a residential project. People LIVE here. If living means enjoying a nice day on some chairs on the balcony, then so be it. I can't stand it when people complain about things on balconies. Its a condo, its designed to be lived in, not just looked at.
Sept 19

Crane could be coming down Sunday as the Jib crane was not there on Thursday and was there today when I was shooting.





Shot from Broadview of the Skyline from the water edge to Bloor

