Senior Member
Casaguy's gettin' giddy!
Go faster! Faster! Faster!
Go faster! Faster! Faster!
I KNEW someone would take it to that level.
Casaguy, you are so endearingly young - faster faster is a bit vague - I think what you really mean is harder faster, harder faster!!!!!
I promise that from now on I will scream harder faster to all those hard working builders as I go by each morning and we'll see the where the rebars end up.
It must be working! Thanks, Jaborandi! They're boogeying right along...
Would it be wrong to show up with a cake and goodies from time to time for the crew?
I wonder why this project has 3 levels of parking but the X Condo has 6. Both condos are 44 stories and have roughly the same number and mix of units. I don't think the site dimensions vary that much either. I also think the prices are similar. It's rather a dramatic difference, and they are also within 5 minutes walking distance on the same street. Ok, the TTC Bloor/Yonge station is closer to Casa, but surely it would not have such a dramatic impact as this. Any theories?
I wonder why this project has 3 levels of parking but the X Condo has 6.