Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

The hat needs to be just a bit more prominent.

That's an interesting illusion, Casa looks about as tall as the Manulife apartments (or Panarama) when in reality there is nearly 100' difference.

Great photo!
Panorama's level is 12 metres higher than Casa.

OK, I referenced the 400' list and got a difference of 90' between the two buildings so that explains it.
Nothing's overdone - it's The Great Man's best large scale work so far.

Really? alright, good, we've got that out of the way so now he can start fading into obscurity...

I agree with others who feel that the hat needs to be more prominent. Clearly it was thicker as well as wider in the renders... I wonder if they might add some height through the addition of a concrete railing, though it doesnt look as if they are preparing for any such thing.
Nope, Calgary Flames or the Canadian's.

Too many dead leaf around now to have to pickup more of them by doing this.
Thanks CASA guy. Good enough to see the progress everywhere. The amenities level looks great

Everything is sensational so far, I mean is there truly any criticism of Casa yet?
