Toronto Canoe Landing Park | ?m | ?s | Concord Adex

Results of the naming competition are coming to Toronto and East York Community Council in November.

And here it is (drum roll?):

Approve the park name, Canoe Landing, as selected by the judging panel in the public competition, for the new park in the City Place neighbourhood, on the north side of Fort York Boulevard, between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street.

I don't like it. There's no "landing", hell, there's no water on-site or nearby (yes, I know there's an over-sized canoe art feature there) it just sounds... embarrassing.
First The Cheapening™ now a stupid name that sounds like an area of beach in the Muskokas
not will certainly bring attention to the canoe....
LOL. Canoe Landing is the name of my condo/townhouse out in Pickering. At least here there's an actual canoe :)
They've put up 4 sets of flood lights around the new artificial field. Didn't see that coming. They're on incredibly high poles...
And here it is (drum roll?):

Approve the park name, Canoe Landing, as selected by the judging panel in the public competition, for the new park in the City Place neighbourhood, on the north side of Fort York Boulevard, between Spadina Avenue and Bathurst Street.


Ooo - I should have updated the name of the thread now that the City has settled on Canoe Stranding. Will do that right away.

I always thought it looked more like Canoe Launchpad. I should sneak in there one night and put big red rocket boosters on the canoe.

I predict that in ten years it will be renamed for a person.
What a crumby name! Doesn't mean a damned thing! The name "Towers View Park" would have been much more appropriate. Oh well.
