Toronto CampusOne Student Residence (was University Place) | 79.85m | 25s | Knightstone | Diamond Schmitt

To be honest, I'm not sure it would look any more out of place than Theatre Park will. I know that there is a precedence set in the immediate area for Theatre Park but I think the only thing most people will notice is that the buildings directly beside it are much shorter. I'm not saying this location on College is good for something so tall but I think to the average person walking by on the other side of the street - the two buildings will seem equally out of place.

Aside from that - this a great design. I hope something similar gets built... somewhere!
At first glance this building is out of place, but all things considered I think it's a reasonable stretch. This part of College is already very commercialized - there's a large 10-15 storey office building across the street, and unlike areas just to the west, it is less neighbourhood oriented and more institutional. This building would be ridiculous on Danforth or anywhere west of Spadina on College, but is within the realm of reasonable in this location. Due to the small footprint, it's far less ominous than would be a cluster of 4 boxy buildings between 10-15 floors tall that occupy the entire block.
At first glance this building is out of place, but all things considered I think it's a reasonable stretch. This part of College is already very commercialized - there's a large 10-15 storey office building across the street, and unlike areas just to the west, it is less neighbourhood oriented and more institutional. This building would be ridiculous on Danforth or anywhere west of Spadina on College, but is within the realm of reasonable in this location. Due to the small footprint, it's far less ominous than would be a cluster of 4 boxy buildings between 10-15 floors tall that occupy the entire block.

How is it a reasonable stretch? There's no precedent, save for the tall midrise across the street which wouldn't even be half as tall as this proposed tower. Does CAMH's building look like it belongs there? Just because College is "commercialized" doesn't mean that high-rise buildings automatically belong. (What does that even half to do with it? The proposed development is a residential tower with a low-rise campus on one side and a low-rise neighbourhood on the other.)

This scale would be much more appropriate west of University Avenue. College's scale is low to midrise. A midrise streetscape of ten storey buildings wouldn't likely be ominous, especially if they were terraced.
Here we go:




Those renders show both what a cool building this is, and how entirely out of place it would be in this neighbourhood.
I think this would work if it was shorter than the current proposal but still taller than CAMH, or, as mentioned above, at a more appropriate location. That being said, those renderings are stunning!
Though I agree that this tower is out of place, I'm so impressed with the design that, taking everything into consideration, I think we'd be better off building it. It's a legitimate landmark.
Well how do you people feel about buildings such as 30 St Mary Axe, which punctutes a relatively lowrise area of London? In this situation we're being offered truly distinctive architecture which could provide a sense of place to this stretch of College. We also get the benefit of additional student housing, which is always welcome in the city. If it was another banal precast 'n' spandrel condo going here, then I'd definitely say reject it, but this proposal is far more iconic and worthwhile. I say build it, I doubt most people would complain about the final result once they'd seen it.
Its strange how people worry about the height of this well designed proposed impressive structure and meanwhile dont care much about that big fat ugly eyesore across the street.
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It's a rendering ... an "at dusk " one at that. I 'm not convinced a student residence will be given the curtainwall application as shown. I also find the building quite bulky emphasized by the large setback 2/3rd up the tower.
Strange, these student housing skyscrapers. Reminds me of these huge dorms in the UK.

I agree with the general opinion here: it's just completely out of scale.

On egotrippin's comment regarding 30 St Mary Axe: this proposal does not (to me) look likely to result in something nearly as polished or iconic and, besides, that other building is hardly in a lowrise setting, being in the middle of the City's growing forest of skyscrapers:

Its strange how people worry about the height of this well designed proposed impressive structure and meanwhile dont care much about that big fat ugly eyesore across the street.

It isn't so much that they "don't care much about" Clarke; more that it's accepted as an "existing condition"--and besides, it's in a more genuinely "institutional" area, so it doesn't clash w/its immediate surrounds as much as it might...
Strange, these student housing skyscrapers. Reminds me of these huge dorms in the UK.

I agree with the general opinion here: it's just completely out of scale.

On egotrippin's comment regarding 30 St Mary Axe: this proposal does not (to me) look likely to result in something nearly as polished or iconic and, besides, that other building is hardly in a lowrise setting, being in the middle of the City's growing forest of skyscrapers:


The finishing materials will really determine how polished it'll look upon completion. It's definitely not as finely detailed as 30 St Mary, but I'm more partial to the stacked box design style than the 30's giant gherkin proportions. Though my comment was more in reference to its effect on the landscape, and while there is a growing cluster there nowadays, it was built before much of that emerged. A precedent setter? Perhaps, and if we allow 245 College to be built, I'm sure we'll see future proposals for the area creep up in height as well. A lot of the houses to the south are run down student ghettos, just begging for redevelopment.
