The applicant’s proposal for a 137.55 metre tall building at this location is significantly higher than the surrounding buildings, and is not supportable. The proposed 42-storey tower does not fit into the existing context, and does not respect the existing character or building proportions of the immediate area, or provide appropriate transitions in scale to neighbouring buildings. The variation between the height proposed and the height of the adjacent neighbourhood is also problematic, and does not reflect a scale that is consistent with the surrounding area.
Intensification on land adjacent to neighbourhoods is required to be carefully controlled so that neighbourhoods are protected from negative impact by locating and organizing to fit with its existing and/or planned context. The plans submitted with the application do not fit harmoniously within the existing context. The proposal seeks to introduce a built form and density that are greater than what exists in the area. The variation between the height of the proposed buildings and the height of the adjacent neighbourhood is inconsistent with the surrounding context, and needs to be revisted.