Toronto Burano | ?m | 48s | Lanterra | a—A

Ya know?? the above photo is cool, but it is a stark reminder, just how much concrete

...and gray finished towers there are here! The glass of Burano and 4 S is a welcome relief. against all the dull, 60, 70, slabs and apt blocks, Actually, its the mixing of styles that makes a skyline so interesting, the trained eye, can almost guess within 10 years when most towers went up?? There aren't that many that can fool ya?! More glass, please!! Especially north of Queen, south of Front, I think we're doing okay?
Burano from yesterday... my oh my, this thing got TALL from bay street!!!! holy cow, i couldn't believe it... pictures can't really capture how tall this looks.



Burano from yesterday... my oh my, this thing got TALL from bay street!!!! holy cow, i couldn't believe it... pictures can't really capture how tall this looks.

Agreed. I had been at Macdonald Block for work the past week, and every day I walk past it I am amazed at how tall it looks from down the street.
So no more comments on how squat or fat Burano is? :)

Anytime you get a blank featureless expanse , vertical for 500 + feet, it will look tall!!!!
AS much a fan of setbacks and detailing as I am, some times sheer vertical faces, uniformly clad, are impressive. It is esp. true, for the north south elv. of Burano.

In no way am I being negative here, I like Burano a lot.
So no more comments on how squat or fat Burano is? :)

LOL!... no, Burano is still fat from the east and west (more noticeable fat on the west side of course, because Murano covers it up well from the east).
it's just from Bay street that it's looking like a sliver of juicy steak,
Seeing it from the College/University area the west facing side is much more proportional now as it nears topping off. Even a short month or two ago it looked like it could go either way. Murano are the clear winners between the three, I much prefer Murano's glass BUT if Burano can liven up the street with good retail I may be swayed.
Seeing it from the College/University area the west facing side is much more proportional now as it nears topping off. Even a short month or two ago it looked like it could go either way. Murano are the clear winners between the three, I much prefer Murano's glass BUT if Burano can liven up the street with good retail I may be swayed.

Not shedding balcony glass would help Burano a lot too.
