Toronto Bloor Street Neighbourhood Condos | ?m | 32s | Cresford | Northgrave

I vote that all posts after post #686 be deleted.

I am really tempted to swoop in and perform surgery to get this thread back on track, but for some clever retorts that have stopped me from doing it. Possibly other Mods feel the same way, as none of us has pulled out the scalpel yet. That said, all members should note the following:

This thread is for discussing BSN. Discussion can include comparisons with BSN's context, which includes Casa across the street, and other buildings in the city as a whole. That does not mean that a sustained campaign of name-calling (with little substance) regarding Casa could be considered on-topic. Such activity is, as another forumer has pointed out, simply trolling, and that is verbotten 'round these here parts.

Pepper79: you may be tired of the often unfavourable reviews BSN receives when it is compared to its Cresford counterpart across the street, but posters who present intelligent explanations for their reasons are welcome here, while those who try to merely present their opinion as irrefutable fact are not. Change the tone of your discourse from that of a child throwing a tantrum to one of a considered debate, or you will be put in a corner.

Yeah, a nice corner waaaay up in the sky, with ceiling-to-floor windows, and glass balconies outside offering uninterrupted views over the city and a wonderful sense of being connected to it.

Including a view of ... um ...BSN!
Pepper79: you may be tired of the often unfavourable reviews BSN receives when it is compared to its Cresford counterpart across the street, but posters who present intelligent explanations for their reasons are welcome here, while those who try to merely present their opinion as irrefutable fact are not. Change the tone of your discourse from that of a child throwing a tantrum to one of a considered debate, or you will be put in a corner.


Hmmm....I think some of the pro-Casa comments are a little on the childish side too. In addition, much of the thread focuses on Casa and BSN's exteriors, which is, IMHO, very relative to taste (to those glass-lovers: This could be very dated in a decade or so. All glass may be a classic for office buildings, but I don't think it will last for condos. It's like skinny jeans. It may still be cool to wear them in 2009 (though I think it's going to fade really soon, if it hasn't already), but how do you know it'll be in style a year from now?
It is funny how much heat I get for standing up for BSN in a BSN thread. I was reading through this thread and all I saw was hatred and mean and unfair things being said about BSN. And many other people were comparing it to Casa before me and saying that Casa is a masterpiece and BSN is a disgrace. Read the earlier threads! So I took the brave position of actually standing up for BSN which I think is an amazing project which is actually nicer than Casa, which I find to be a bit overhyped and dull. Of course, I get lambasted for it and am considered a "troll" and "7 year old" and I see that it is apparantly okay to put up graphics of Nazi symbols in this thread now too (even if there is a cross through it, it is still not appropriate).

If you think I am biased then what do you make of a user called Casaguy spreading hate all of this thread. Now that is bias! I don't hate you Casaguy but we obviously have a difference of opinion!

I really don't want to resort to name calling or insult tactics. I think members on both side of this argument need to be more fair and objective when talking about BSN or Casa. I actually think both projects are great but I am not going to stand for users who continue to belittle BSN, otherwise I am going to keep reminding them of some of the faults of Casa.
sure, just do it in a thoughful and appropriate tone ... you can mix in sarcasm without stepping on people's toes. welcome to the forum, I like your enthusiasm... hopefully you will continue to stick around. And for what its worth I'm a bit sympathetic to your view point as I am getting sick of so many glass boxes going up around the city. But bottom line is both these buildings are decent in different ways and they add some amazing density to the Yonge/Bloor area.
Took a look at BSN and Casa again last night. BSN wins hands down, not question about it! Casa has no colour or pop to it, it is probably the most boring condo building I have seen for a long time. I hope the interiors to Casa are nice because right now Casa is very unispired from the exterior. I know people on here are going to say "it is more modern so it is better". Following that logic, that would mean that if Loblaws were to build a new grocery store, it would must be better than the Eiffel Tower since it is more modern and newer, right? Not exactly, it is a dumb argument so stop using it!

The fact is that hate it or love it, you have to admit that BSN has way more character and personality than the dull tower of glass that Casa is. End of argument, I don't even want to hear everyone's nonsensical rebuttals as none of them to this point make any sense or logic. I am right and that is final.

Pepper: it's posts like the above, which no-one here besides you has been making, that need to be made more reasonably. No more of this 'I'll brook no dissension' tone please. Maybe you think you are being funny, but your post would have to read ironically for that to be funny, and it doesn't read that way.

Pepper79 I agree with you.

Most of you Urbaners are acting like bullies when a member provides his/her opinion on a particular project. Instead of name calling, why don't we try to have an intelligent conversation.

As for the buildings Casa and BSN here are my two cents:

Casa- The building has come together very nicely. I am certain it will turn out great when all is said and done. The one hesitation I had with this building is the floor plan. They are all boxes! Most units don't even have a closet at the front door. You literally fall into the kitchen when you walk in. For those purchasers of this building with the 'fall into the kitchen' layout, you will have to be creative in the way you make this work without cluttering your already small space. And also the craze about floor to ceiling windows- sure provides great views but I have heard some drawbacks to this when those hot sunny days of the summer come around and the AC can't keep up with the amount of sun and heat entering the unit.

BSN- Sure it is not the standard of most buildings going up (i.e. Floor to Ceiling Glass Building) but that is what makes it unique. Tall glass buildings are the fad right nowI have seen this building at night as well and it really does look sharp. Now going to the floor plans. Most if not all units have an entrance to the unit. You don't literally trip into the 'great room' (kitchen, living, dining) which for most people I would guess is the preference. And the individualized windows provides more opportunity/selection when it comes to window treatments (not to mention save $$$).

At the end of the day its location location location. Anyone who purchased in this building paying around $400/sq ft is a winner! (I know whats going through most of your heads right now; let's not get into the discussion of who is the bigger winner now :p)
Pepper79 I agree with you.

Most of you Urbaners are acting like bullies when a member provides his/her opinion on a particular project. Instead of name calling, why don't we try to have an intelligent conversation.

Or, you could have a look a page or two back and see that being a Pepper79 apologist actually puts you in the wrong camp.
What do you make of a user called Casaguy spreading hate all of this thread. Now that is bias!

Yes, it's true I can be a bit of a snooty bitch sometimes when I get myself into a mood... but I hardly spread hate. And what's wrong with bias? Everyone has bias. Should we all walk around being indifferent? Should we treat all sides as exactly equal? Is that the way the world works?

Considering pepper79 has only made 8 posts and created a rather entertaining and whimsical uproar I have to think that he is either "ryeuinfinity" turned sour... or an intern or family member of someone who has worked on this very storied project. Either way, it is time to ignore... not because I disagree with him... but because he hasn't said anything.
BSN is ugly. It's not ugly ugly, or even fugly, its just unattractive. Why? Lots of reasons. The point is, I find it unattractive. That doesn't mean I would get upset or yell at someone who found it a nice building. People generally do back up their arguments on this board, and we have a lot of members who are well educated in architecture, urban design and other relevant categories, and watching their discussions/arguments is not only entertaining but educating to a layperson such as myself. But for Pepper to butt in, with his single digit post-count, and say that all our negative posts about BSN are BS and we have no taste because of it, is disrespectful and lame. That is my problem.
All glass may be a classic for office buildings, but I don't think it will last for condos.

Glassy and modern is more timeless than stucco clad inspired historcist. I assume it comes down to the subtleties between good and bad being not as pronounced as between, for example, One St Thomas and BSN.

P.S. I really couldn't care less about how the inside of BSN looks as I don't every plan on seeing it. Not everyone has the same priorities.
The objections to buildings by leading local architects such as Casa often boil down to a quest for novelty value instead ( "I like such-and-such a building better because it looks different ..." ). "Fashion" is often invoked - the idea that a building like Casa is only the result of such whims, and that if fashions were to change we'd all be free. In their own way, though, alternative buildings such as BSN also belong to a distinctive and unfortunately large architectural grouping - often clumsily-proportioned, sometimes historicism-laden and with a nostalgia-based appeal, and with a somewhat distant connection to the world of contemporary design that their betters represent.
Glassy and modern is more timeless than stucco clad inspired historcist. I assume it comes down to the subtleties between good and bad being not as pronounced as between, for example, One St Thomas and BSN.

P.S. I really couldn't care less about how the inside of BSN looks as I don't every plan on seeing it. Not everyone has the same priorities.

I disagree. In the fashion world, boot cut jeans are more "classic" than say, bell bottoms/flares or skinnies. A nice cardigan, pearls and knee-length skirt will last years (this is actually one of my favourite looks) while a too short or too long skirt is more of a "in the moment" kind of look. I equate all-glass condos with the nasty hoodie sweatshirt, yoga pants and Uggs (or Ugg rip-offs) look of the mid 2000s while buildings like BSN are more like twinsets and pearls.

Since when was "modern" the same as "classic"?
Since when was "modern" the same as "classic"?

i would consider the following 'modern classics':

barcelona chair, eileen gray table, eames chairs, tulip chair, corbu chairs/sofas, noguchi table, mies chairs, bertoia chairs, etc.

IMO, one of the aspects of each perspective building's design is the context of their surroundings.

north side of Charles: most of the buildings are 4-5s blocks with brick facades;

south side: many of the buildings are taller towers, ie. the hotel on the corner, the tower next door, etc and CASA was constructed with materials to blend with CAS's new building, which is brick, steel and glass.
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