We keep hearing this year. But without a signed contract for new bikes this is still a ways off. Lead time for 1000+ bikes is going to be a while. Plus it still doesn't sound like they have their ducks in a row re: metrolinx, ownership, operating outside Toronto boundaries or presto. It would be nice if they had a public road map for expansion. Every 6 months there is an article or two, but not a single new bike.
This be true, we keep hearing.
I imagine they were also earlier wresting with "to do, or not to do" -- keeping or scrapping the existing fleet. Then trying to make tough decisions about which bikeshare system to choose.
Rather them take the time to choose the right bikeshare technology that provides maximum farebox recovery (smartbikes, IMHO).
I'd imagine something is going to happen sometime this year, but not as early as we might anticipate. It wouldn't actually be waste to replace the less-cost-efficient BIXI fleet, as Bike Share Toronto can
just sell it to some other city (e.g. NYC, Montreal) for their BIXI fleet expansions (e.g. Citibike).
BIXI still works well in really dense cities, but it's a poor choice for lower density cities when larger numbers of smaller hubs and even offdock bikes advertising the prescence of the existence of a bikeshare system. It's really hard to spread expensive stations across a low-density suburb...
By taking their time to choose the right bikeshare bike -- it can actually helps accelerate membership signups to use smartbikes that can dock anywhere (like stop sign poles). It was actually an offdock bike next to my home, that caused me to sign up for bike share. Someone ended their "bike rental" in front of my house at the stop sign pole. Imagine a Cabbagetown or Riverdale resident seeing a bike docked to a "No Parking" signpole on a nice sunny day; and being able to signup via their iPhone & do a 1-way bike trip to downtown at a cost lower than TTC bus fare ($1 per 15 minutes). Instead of just 80 docks, you can have 300 docks + 100 offdock bikes (400 "bikeshare" locations -- 5x more locations for the same price).
Eyes peeled to see what bikeshare fleet offers they are getting from their procurement call...