Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

God there's something I love about seeing recently completed buildings go from being ominous dark sentinels in the night time skyline to slowly lighting up as residents start to move in. Makes it feel as though the city itself is growing roots up into the tower and absorbing it into the landscape. That's when the building actually becomes a part of the city rather than an isolated monolith.
Lot more up on site
May 24





May 26

God there's something I love about seeing recently completed buildings go from being ominous dark sentinels in the night time skyline to slowly lighting up as residents start to move in. Makes it feel as though the city itself is growing roots up into the tower and absorbing it into the landscape. That's when the building actually becomes a part of the city rather than an isolated monolith.

It'll look amazing once the lighting feature starts working. Should bring the building to life.
A part of me now likes Aura. Can't believe I'm admitting that, but it's really imposing and mostly in a good way. Up close though, it's still a wreck to me.

I was just saying this yesterday when I was with Jack. It looks incredibly looking at it from that view - it's unfortunate when you ultimately view the lack of attention to detail up close.
A part of me now likes Aura. Can't believe I'm admitting that, but it's really imposing and mostly in a good way. Up close though, it's still a wreck to me.

I've never thought Aura was that bad either. It's still well above average compared to many high-rise condos to go up in the core. Gets a check for me for at least trying to come up with an iconic design and becoming a landmark building.The roofline alone is pretty awesome. At ground level, its easy to forget this is not a mixed-use building and does a good job of hiding the fact that its true identity is just a condo that happens to be huge. .
A part of me now likes Aura. Can't believe I'm admitting that, but it's really imposing and mostly in a good way. Up close though, it's still a wreck to me.

Wrecked from the neck down~

Anyways, window shades are actually improving the look of the lower portion of the tower as they hide the misaligned mullions in a sea of noise.
Wrecked from the neck down~

Anyways, window shades are actually improving the look of the lower portion of the tower as they hide the misaligned mullions in a sea of noise.

Exactly as I suggested - and hoped - some months ago, glad you see it. I'm having a problem being objective with this schizophrenic monster, but the decent looking top portion and hopefully the roof & lighting feature will straighten me out. Til then, thankfully there are plenty of other amazing things happening downtown to distract me.
I visited the rabbit warren of shops...totally reminds me of Dragon City. The food court is very small, but it has a fairly large stage area???!!! I thought that was so strange.
So the waitresses have to cross a crush of people to serve their customers in the patio area? Yep, that does seem pretty stupid. Won't that disrupt the flow of pedestrians on Yonge Street, which is already over-crowded? Who was the genius who thought of that? I bet it won't last long.

I hate to say I told you so but...

I walked by this site today and it seems my prediction has come true. This badly situated outdoor patio has bitten the dust and for all you guys who came back with Miami Beach and Montreal have them, well the places that both those cities have similar patios, don't have the pedestrian traffic that Yonge Street has. Walking by today, it was clear that the large amount pf pedestrian traffic would not suit a patio here. Not only that but this was a pretty pathetic attempt at a sidewalk patio. The patios along Gerrard Street are much more appropriate and relate to the restaurants much better.
With the patio gone I'd love to see that become a spot for buskers. And street meat! Bring back Mrs Dalloway!
The Dancing Mountie was on the sidewalk there a couple of weekends ago. I'd far rather see them on horseback.

