Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

This has likely been mentioned earlier, but I must say like it or hate it, it really defines where Yonge & Gerrard is from so many vantage points in this city. If nothing else, it's useful in the same way that the CN Tower is to delineate "south."
Great pics from Yonge street ^ . The fins at the atop already help that north face drastically, which is the weakest of all 4 sides! When it's fully clad, it'll look razor sharp.
Great pics from Yonge street ^ . The fins at the atop already help that north face drastically, which is the weakest of all 4 sides! When it's fully clad, it'll look razor sharp.

With all due respect steveve, the west side is pretty horrendous, with the east side coming up in close second. The front of the back are at least somewhat dynamic.
I think you mean there they go again. Another astonishing feat of incompetence. But this time they've decided to really "GO BIG" with their ineptitude! 50 stories up! Visible for miles around! Go G+C!

I'd like to see the Aura apologists put a positive spin on that one. Anyone?

There you go making judgement on stuff that is not yet finished.

No, it's glass. I saw some of it being put in. Certainly this will be replaced down the line once the error in materials is noted.


Let's get this straight. Some buildings are quite easy to judge when they aren't complete. aA buildings often have monolithic glass facades. Once you see the first few floors clad in glass, you know what the rest of it will look like--save for how the roof will be treated. A project like Trump and to a lesser extent, Aura, is different because the facades and cladding change in segments. It's not always possible to foresee what the execution of the next segment is going to be like.

This is not going to win any architectural prizes but it's sure better than most of the buildings in the area and hence must be considered an improvement. An area by the way that will soon enough be saturated with projects that will cluster around this building and make it much less noticable.
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That's definitely not a short term consideration - and to move PATH that far north will requires quite a bit of redevelopment. In any case, they couldn't even design the connection to College Park well.

That's definitely not a short term consideration - and to move PATH that far north will requires quite a bit of redevelopment. In any case, they couldn't even design the connection to College Park well.


That is so true. The first time I went through it, I thought for sure that I would hit a dead end. The fact that you have to go up/down stairs or use an elevator sucks. The connection should be far more obvious and easier to use.
That is so true. The first time I went through it, I thought for sure that I would hit a dead end. The fact that you have to go up/down stairs or use an elevator sucks. The connection should be far more obvious and easier to use.
Yes, it is NOT going to be a PATHway that people actually use to get around downtown and the hope of seeing much passing traffic is slight so one must ask not only what were the architects thinking but why would anyone in their right mind buy a store there!
Once the businesses in there fail (or sit empty for a long time) a fire-sale on the properties will begin. I think a great idea would be for a consortium to buy them up, one by one and then rip the whole place open and create an entertainment venue down there. A couple of bowling alley's - the high tech one's (do people still bowl?!), a nightclub, a few pool tables - throw a whole bunch of ideas into the space and breathe some life into that hole and that section of Yonge Street. Maybe even a Cumberland cinemas type replacement, medium size screens given the limited ceiling height - three or four 200 or so seat auditoria specializing in foreign, independent film. I cannot see it working as it is currently laid out, save for a flea market.
