Larissa Doherty
New Member
I'm also really pleased that there will be a light feature at the top of the building, I really, really hope it's executed well because it sounds like it could really work.
I'm not sure I understand the prohibition on having a large shopping store in the basement of Aura, the reason for dividing the units up so small.
Canderel owns 777 Bay, where there is already a 24h Metro and a Sobeys, which is connected underground (and via the future PATH) to Aura. It's not unusual for lease contracts in retail/commercial deals to have non-compete clauses that limit the amount of competition you'll find between stores in a mall. The Shops at Aura are different though (I'm only referring to the P1 level) , because it's set up as a condo corporation with individually owned units whereby the owner can rent to whomever s/he chooses, without regard to the existing competition.
On top of that, there's already a Loblaws of significant size about 3-minutes away, so I doubt a grocery store would want to dig into a market that's already so saturated within a tiny radius.