Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

lets all sign a petition to get the moronic people out of Toronto who say such Asinine things.

You probably shouldn't call people moronic in a statement riddled with spelling and grammatical errors:

Ok now your just being a tad bit irrational. lol lets tear down something cause only a select few with no taste dislike it. its hardly an eye soar. Theres about a dozen worse buildings in Toronto well deserving to be torn down then this. If this bothers you that much move. problem solved! Or better yet, lets all sign a petition to get the moronic people out of Toronto who say such Asinine things.
Ok now your just being a tad bit irrational. lol lets tear down something cause only a select few with no taste dislike it. its hardly an eye soar. Theres about a dozen worse buildings in Toronto well deserving to be torn down then this. If this bothers you that much move. problem solved! Or better yet, lets all sign a petition to get the moronic people out of Toronto who say such Asinine things.

I don't feel like wasting my brains to respond to your "intelligent" quote.

But I must believe you've been stuck here in the GTA for so long .... it's time to travel outside the country for site-seeing. Please let us know if AURA is a designed landmark upon your return
Thank you
By me

I don't feel like wasting my brains to respond to your "intelligent" quote.

But I must believe you've been stuck here in the GTA for so long .... it's time to travel outside the country for site-seeing. Please let us know if AURA is a designed landmark upon your return
Thank you

Aura is fine as a condominium, the height is right and it is at least 1000X better than what was previous there.

However, I agree with you that it is just a condo and nobody will come to Toronto to see Aura, and nobody will know it outside Toronto either. In fact, nobody comes to Toronto to see any building at all (CN tower is not a building strictly speaking), so it is not like we lost some great opportunity.
So, the last few days if not a week theres been no activity up top. Are they just working on other parts of the building or has a problem with the set back come up?

The site has been active up top every day this week, rare given all the lost time in the past five months due to weather and winds.
I get regular family and friends visiting from the UK who always wander around taking photos of the city. It might be interesting to see what structures they take pictures of, or what structures particularly stick in their minds, other than the really obvious ones like the CN Tower and the Gooderham Flatiron.

Living amongst so many high rises desensitizes you to their impact, but when you visit here from a small south England village, the impact of very tall buildings is a memorable experience.

People might not visit Toronto to see Aura, but when they do see it, I'm betting they'll snap pictures of it. I'm sure the L Tower and One Bloor will also become tourist photo favourites. Exciting times for the city.
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Thanks for the great picture, Caltrane. It's a nice relief to all the beauty bitching.
People might not visit Toronto to see Aura, but when they do see it, I'm betting they'll snap pictures of it. I'm sure the L Tower and One Bloor will also become tourist photo favourites. Exciting times for the city.

Indeed. Condo-photographing is at the top of most people's list while travelling. The first thing I do when I land in a new city is grab a condo guide and snap away. Always makes for a tremendously exciting trip. Huge, untapped market - condo snappers.
Indeed. Condo-photographing is at the top of most people's list while travelling. The first thing I do when I land in a new city is grab a condo guide and snap away. Always makes for a tremendously exciting trip. Huge, untapped market - condo snappers.

Internet sarcasm aside, visitors take pictures of structures that interest them as they walk the streets. The fact that they are condos means nothing to most overseas travellers. Most will see them as buildings, nothing more. The word "condo" doesn't mean a thing to olde Englishmen. We come from a simple village life of thatched barns, rolling hills and REAL baked beans! :)
