Senior Member
Delta must go.
Delta must go.
Delta must go.
Hey, remember just a few month ago a lot of people were talking about how 'plaid' the building looked? Not so much anymore!
Caltrane, I can't imagine this forum without your consistent and excellent pictures. Thanks man!
What really needs to go is that parking lot on the West side of Delta
And what a proposal. Definitely this and 592 Sherbourne are two I really want to see built, just for the splash of colour they will give.
milky green-black
a filmy looking greeny-blue/black
i know none of Aura's defenders actually want to look at it up close (and who can blame them)
Interesting how you went from;
Because I'm assuming you do realize that "green-black" is not the same as "greeny-blue black".
It seems as though I may have spoken too soon as you clearly are capable of perceiving the color blue. However I am curious... do you always change you arguments mid way through, or is that just something you do when talking about Aura or G+C?
As for the photo's you've posted... not only are you looking at the ground level panels when a more suitable reference is available(i.e. its not entirely clear if the glass is exactly the same at this point), but clearly you are also referencing the spandrel panels rather than the clear glass portions.
When it comes to the spandrel panals on the podium, yes there is somewhat of a green tinge to those panels. This tinge being most perceptible when you decided to use your camera in a manner akin to using a microscope(by zooming into a building that you are clearly standing directly in front of).
But really, no one is going to have that kind of close up view of a localized section of the curtain wall 48+ floors up. Then again, at this point it wouldn't completely surprise me if you rented an apartment high up on a neighboring building just so that you can used a telescope to take pictures of individual sections of the cladding.
With regards to these panels I'd imagine that the hue/color is being effected by other materials(insulation, other panes of glass, etc) that is behind them. But accounting for all that, those panels are still more blue than green.
But what's really relevant about your photos is that the area that you conveniently chose to display is almost completely covered by these panels where as most of the tower will obviously not be.
It stands to reason that when you look at a group of spandrel panels together it's not going to have the same generalized hue as the curtain wall on the tower section where those same panels will represent 20% or less of the total surface area. As documented by the numerous photo's provided by many of the finest photographers on this site, the actual curtain wall cladding is clearly a navy blue without any discernible greenish tinge to them.
And yet strangely for someone who claims to hate this building you sure can't seem to stop taking photo's of it can you?