Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

The kitchen looks really nice!
I like the balcony glass. The two panels on the left are different. Which one is being used? The brighter white, or the off white?
I'd have preferred the balcony glass design on the far right, even if the concrete slab shows through it.

The fritted white bands look nice (the chosen design), but likely not on this tower as it doesn't refer to anything else in the design. Perhaps it will soften the design and its many mullions-- I won't cast a final judgement until I see how the glass looks once lots of it is up and I can see it from a typical viewing distance.

The kitchen looks alright and it's really cool to see photos of the loft units-- thanks for stopping by to post those!
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Sorry, comment retracted above re: balcony glass, my brain was working in reverse. The way I read it last night was the panels on the right were being used and the one's on the left got dumped. I think the striped design will work much better by providing some contrast between the balcony and the building and by helping to hide balcony furniture.
The kitchen looks really nice!
I like the balcony glass. The two panels on the left are different. Which one is being used? The brighter white, or the off white?

I didn't even notice the difference! I believe the brighter white since he kept referring to the panels on the right when talking about the mock up on the left.
North view from the 30th floor:
View attachment 9740

wow. completely forgot Aura even had a north view! and in fact, a part of me even feels it's better than the south view in the other photo you posted.. yonge street looks nasty leading up to Dundas. the north view just feels more balanced and complete.

the loft units are real nice too. I've always liked 2 storey units in condos with open spaces like that. I guess the uppermost penthouse at Aura was too large to even consider adding a second level!

and it's funny, Delta Chelsea has long suffered from the Aura construction, but they get payback when they begin their renovations to the pleasure of the Aura residents moving in on the lower floors.

awesome shots once again heytopher! look forward to seeing more in the future!
Aura is starting to show itself from this vantage point!

Aura is starting to show itself from this vantage point!

getting a manhattan vibe from this shot.. with the orange lighting and the unobstructed skyline in the distance. Toronto looks like a megacity in this shot!

also cool in this shot is that you really notice the gap between Burano and Manulife that will be a hotspot in the next few years for development

Aura is 145ish m is my guess.
@Jaye101 wow where is that? It's beautiful!

That shot is from Dufferin and Davenport! On the north east corner of the intersection there is an abandoned ramp up the side of a small bluff that used to lead to a school.. As you walk up the ramp the skyline reveals itself! For anyone who loves finding new vantage points to take skyline pictures, head here! It's worth the bus ride. They could easily turn the area at the top into a public park! But for now I guess it's my private getaway.
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I can't for the life of me figure out where Aura is in Jaye's beautiful shot! Help!!!
They’ve also recently settled on a glass balcony panel design:

View attachment 9739

The mock up on the far right was their original plan, however once installed the white dot design was deemed visually weak and failed to disguise the concrete base. The white striped panels on the left were then created and approved.

The balcony glass on the left that they've settled with looks much nicer, imo, but just doesn't belong to Aura. It seems that in no way does it relate to any part of the design of the building. It'll do a nice job of masking the sides of the balcony concrete, and it'll look decent from afar, but up close it's likely to clash.
