Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Vast improvement over the last proposal. I think I could live with this, though I'd prefer to see a slightly more dynamic retail facing Yonge St.
The podium looks like it has been improved over the last design but the tower should be setback a bit from the street.

Fuzzy, I get the impression that the tower is set back. It's hard to tell for sure from the image, but if that was one of the complaints, its may have been dealt with.

Not a bad looking building.
The base is much improved, but the tower seems like a bit of a mish-mash...some more consistency would benefit the design.
Thank goodness the podium has been improved somewhat. I was really hoping this project would die based just on the older podium renderings (and the promise of a repeat of the College Park 2 horror show).

As for the mismash tower....I do not mind it although I fear that it will not turn out as good in real life.
I really like the rendering and would love to see it get built.
Podium is vastly better and the tower actually looks pretty cool. Does this look to be the same height?
the only thing i don't like is that the podium doesn't match up with college park. i'd prefer to see something that continued along with the same roofline and setback. and rather than granting an extra wide sidewalk i'd prefer to see the treed island in the middle of yonge continued southward
I think the tower is set back a bit, though, as has been pointed out, it's a bit hard to tell. It also seems possible that the tower is on a slight angle from the podium. I don't mind this rendering, and it is much improved.

If, as seems likely, that the project would form an addition to the College Park facility, it will make that shopping experience even more confusing, no? The aboveground portions, always confusing, would now be in two separate bits.
loooks good, I hope it makes other things in that area revamp itselfs, but I doubt it. That are of yonge is kinda nice and ugly. It needs a bit of fixing up.
I like it way more then College Park 1+2.

For those who wanted the podium to "match/mimic" the original college park - for faux beaux arts 1920's disaster's check out the columns in the first phase of College Park condo's.

I'll take a modern glass and concrete over those ugly beasts any day.
i like the large sidewalks and the tower is much improved

winner 2006 predict the year award
I guess it will take up most of the block.. I still think they should bring it farther back from the corner and make provision for a square there, rather than having College "Park" in behind the towers which is rarely a good idea for urban parks...better for them to have a public and urban face.

I guess they think they can get the height through the OMB if they continue to refine the design regardless of city council's rejection of their application.
I still remain strangely unoffended by the base's "faux beaux arts 1920's disaster"--I find the bigger problem is that the tower looks like it was meant to be similarly clad, but they ran out of money and/or "cheaped out". It's got a tin-can quality that leaves me thinking, for no good reason, of primitive postwar curtain-wall gestures like Pittsburgh's Gateway Center...
Does anyone have numbers for height / stories? And any idea how this responds to the planners' (as opposed to forumers') complaints about the original, and how this one is sitting with them?
The base is much better but I don't care for the setback/wide sidewalk idea... same with the wide sidewalks on the BA Centre. What's wrong with buildings snug against the street like we used to do?
