Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

From a distance, yes (cf. the Old City Hall comment). In the immediate neighbourhood, no.

Though re my point in another thread, it might be better if towers like this be shunted off to Downtown North York's kindred-spiritdom, where they could thrill those visitors who find Toronto's suburban highrise clusters kind of intriguingly Wizard-Of-Oz exotic...
Let's put it bluntly; the whole thing is what you'd expect from Graziani + Corazza in the big city. It's Motel Strip Modern with Cityplace-ish urban-point-tower pretensions. Let's be thankful it's as innocuous as it is--or let me take that back; looking up from Bay past Old City Hall, one wishes it was even more innocuous. But with immediate neighbours like MacLean Hunter, the Delta Chelsea, the Liberties, etc, etc, its mediocrity almost doesn't matter...

To be blunt? Where?

It's a block with great potential. The podium, as it is in the rendering, does not fit. Period. I could live with the tower, but that is a block that needs to finished properly, and that means the street level.
The tower was not approved anyways so this tower will never get built, at least not in this proposed form or at this height.
It's a block with great potential. The podium, as it is in the rendering, does not fit. Period. I could live with the tower, but that is a block that needs to finished properly, and that means the street level.

Put it this way. I could live with tower + podium, or I can't live with tower + podium. And IMO from an overall stylistic POV, both tower and podium are unworthy Sim City yokel stuff in the big city, barely better than New York Towers over at Bayview-401. On *that* level, I can't "live with it"--it'd be better to trash it all than simply bellyache over tower vs podium, etc. But I'm prepared to (subversively?) "live with it" once/if it's a fait accompli because, well, cities are "like that"...
I've never seen so many words to describe a position of having no position.

Yes, it's letting my tongue perform cunnilingus on urbanism. That's why I love to abuse the vaginophobic;-)
Regarding that last point, dear, I think you mistake a complete lack of interest for an irrational fear.
Y'know Babel, that attitude makes you appear "twitty", in a Stepford Wives/June Cleaver way; being told "there there" by an alpha male, w/ wife beat'r on + Molson Ex grasped in his hand. B/c, as we all know, it is not simply enough to "know". One must actually "know" in order to "know", IMHO. You forget; words are not just words

they are
so much more,
shaping our perception
and visual interpretation
b/c w/o them
expression would be meaningless

Ya see? What matters is not so much "what" you say but "how" you say it. "Why" is no longer "in"; gone the way of Crystal Pepsi and the post-communist/pre 9/11/mid Y2k era of ferverant optimism, and unbridled 'hippy dippyness'.
Meanwhile, what I fear here is that we are about to get shafted by Canderel again. If they are serious about great architecture (which they claim to be in their proposal) then they would not be dealing with Graziani + Corazza. Who knows what height this project will eventually get approved for - regarding either the tower or the podium - but one way or the other we'll likely have more G+C mediocrity in a spot that should have a landmark.

adma: that a number of the surrounding buildings are sad reminders of our past acquiescence, is no reason for us to accept more crap in the area. We know better now, and we want it, don't we?

babel: And once I learn how to decipher what I just wrote I will be able to join the other admaites in spreading the gospel across the land.
^Damn, that was spot on, Antiloop!

Maybe adma will provide a translation.
I used to have a decoder ring, but some farty operaqueen troll stole it.
Antiloop: you so needed to conclude that post with an ellipsis...
