Toronto Art Shoppe Condos | 98.75m | 28s | Freed | a—A

Given that this site is within walking distance of what will become a major transit hub, I don't understand why you'd want to restrict growth here. That fact that there are so many detached homes surrounding Yonge & Eglinton Station seems horribly inefficient to me, and I don't understand why detached homes are sacrosanct. I get the sense that Matlow's just pandering to the large NIMBY contingent in the hood.
Yeah I see that Matlow is playing to his audience so to speak, but has he even been successful in stoping large towers near Y&E? The only thing it seems from stopping E, 2221 and the rest from being built are slow sales.

Also, I was reading some VVVIP pre con drivel yesterday night re: 155 Redpath. Apparently Freed is building 2000+ units in this area? Around 700 here, 470 at Redpath and then? Has anyone heard anything?
There will be another phase of 155 Redpath across the street from it; 150 Redpath which is supposed to be a twin, so there's another 470 or so.

Prelim report up:

This application proposes to redevelop the subject site at 2131 Yonge Street and 32 Hillsdale Avenue. The current use, to be demolished, is a large retail store (The Art Shoppe).

The proposed mixed commercial-residential redevelopment consists of a 38-storey north tower (123.85 metres excluding mechanical penthouse) and a 29-storey south tower (98.70 metres excluding mechanical penthouse). The proposed north tower includes a restaurant in the 38th floor and outdoor patio seating. The height of both towers in storeys includes a common 6-storey podium.

A total of 693 residential units are proposed and 497 parking spaces plus 3 car-share spaces are provided in an underground garage. The total proposed gross floor area is approximately 9.0 times the lot area. The lot includes the parkette on Hillsdale Avenue East which is owned by the applicant but leased to the City.

The podium consists of retail uses on floors 1 and 2, residential units on floors 3 to 5 and a residential amenity level on the 6th floor.

This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted applications and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.

The proposed redevelopment greatly exceeds the heights and densities which would be considered appropriate for this site which is on an Avenue abutting a Neighbourhoods designation.

In the opinion of staff, the height, density and massing of the proposed development does not fit the built and planned context for this area. However, staff recommend holding a community consultation meeting to seek input from the local community on the proposal. Issues raised at that meeting will assist staff in determining the nature and the extent of the revisions that would be required for this application to fit within its neighbourhood.

If the applicant submits revised plans (in a timely manner) which are better suited to this site which abuts a Neighbourhoods designation, a final report can be targeted for the third quarter of 2013.
Thanks, greenleaf. The scale and proportion of the towers look great in the elevations. Really like the treatment of the balconies, too. But it's going to be a difficult fight here.
Has anyone heard that they've done or are close to finalizing a deal for a grocery store on the 2nd level? I guess Sobey's is the only major grocer missing at Yonge & Eglinton.
Has anyone heard that they've done or are close to finalizing a deal for a grocery store on the 2nd level? I guess Sobey's is the only major grocer missing at Yonge & Eglinton.

I could see a Pusateri's there,maybe even a Whole Foods. Sobey's is a couple blocks away at Soudan and Mount Pleasant, a 4 minute walk east on Soudan from Yonge.
I could see a Pusateri's there,maybe even a Whole Foods. Sobey's is a couple blocks away at Soudan and Mount Pleasant, a 4 minute walk east on Soudan from Yonge.

Yes, I missed that Sobey's. Whole Foods is going at Bayview & Eglinton, so I don't see them going here as well. Now Pusateri's could work on this site.
Doesn't look like it will be grocery store on this site, but another large retailer is actively trying to get this space.

that is not what I was talking about. who occupies the retail is the least of anybody's concerns at this stage. what is the status of the development application is what I meant.
This would ruin the shopping atmosphere. But what can ya do lol

This particular block is already kind of a lull between Davisville and Y&E proper. Between the auto service centre, the blank wall of Canada Square, and Art Shoppe's not exactly engaging street presence, there's not a lot of "shopping atmosphere" to ruin. It does pick up again quickly to the north & south, though.
