Toronto Alias | 160.52m | 48s | Madison Group | Teeple Architects

I stole this from you.

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Update from August:

As for the parking lot north of Indigo Tower, anyone know if it’s going to stay parking or is closing?
Only the portion that is now closed for construction is closed for good, at this point. There is no proposal currently for the rest of the parking lot that we are aware of. One can hope that will change soon though…

Front Page story up on this one here:

Picture from said story:


Observation: I'm not sure if I've seen a groundbreaking ceremony where the majority of those in the celebratory pic are women. (9 out of 17 above, and 4 / 6 shovel holders)

Might have happened before, but certainly not common, yet.
Front Page story up on this one here:

Picture from said story:

View attachment 432323

Observation: I'm not sure if I've seen a groundbreaking ceremony where the majority of those in the celebratory pic are women. (9 out of 17 above, and 4 / 6 shovel holders)

Might have happened before, but certainly not common, yet.

Nice, another glitzy groundbreaking hosted by Madison! Let's see if history repeats itself
Front Page story up on this one here:

Picture from said story:

View attachment 432323

Observation: I'm not sure if I've seen a groundbreaking ceremony where the majority of those in the celebratory pic are women. (9 out of 17 above, and 4 / 6 shovel holders)

Might have happened before, but certainly not common, yet.
It makes for a better photo op...
