Toronto 88 Scott Street | 203.9m | 58s | Concert | P + S / IBI

I've heard that there are towers in the world that are neither dull glass boxes nor poorly proportioned spandralized schlock. Imagine if we didn't have to choose between the two?

Maybe a designer can incorporate those two concepts... so that we can have a poorly proportioned spandralized schlock on top of a dull glass box... then add... a really tall trump like spiral on top to make it the tallest faux building in Toronto.
Well, I'll eat my previous words. I actually like the new design. It somehow feels more natural than the original. I suspect if I'd seen this version first, I would've preferred it over the original! Guess I'm just fickle! :)
Just wondering if the redesign means that the new floors will be 2 floor loft-like condos? (thinking Shangri-La) Does anyone have any ideas on what to expect, regarding floorplan?

Any idea on when this is expected to be completed?
Regarding shadows in a city such as Toronto ... Is that really a legit issue? If so why? It's only enevidable in the end that toronto will one day have 1000 s of 60 floor towers or higher one day. So that being said they will fill in the gaps of the core and then some. So with that being said.. Why fight shadows when they will come eventually. Sorry just a curious question that I have been pondering a wile. Thanks. And please don't be rude I'm just asking. I'm not sure where to look up rational explanations for this "issue"? Seems all other major cities have overcome that problem or rather haven't made one of there buildings shadows. I know this through observations of city skylines. They couldn't be as full looking as they are if they had shadow issues to right ? Or a the othe cities all planned according to shadows?
Shadow studies are conducted in major cities all around the world when large new buildings are proposed. It's hardly only Toronto where people care about getting a couple hours of sunshine every day.

Shadow studies are conducted in major cities all around the world when large new buildings are proposed. It's hardly only Toronto where people care about getting a couple hours of sunshine every day.

I know it's not just Toronto... But thanks! It's a shame that it is an issue considering cities usually have nice parks to go out to enjoy for sunshine. But I do understand it for those who have lived in a certain spot for example.. Say they lived there most their lives and suddenly to have a building block ur way wouldn't be so nice but... That kinda what haapps in cities all around the world. They eventually expand and grow don't they?
I believe there is a fundemental difference between shadowing a private building vs shadowing a parkland (the latter being an public communal space ... in the macro sense, the 'public interest' is at stake)
At least old design looked finished ... the revised version looks incomplete. Part of the problem is that when viewed from the side, the stepping from south to north doesn't have enough vertical action to make it interesting; it looks squished. Others have mentioned spires and it looks like it's missing a spire or a roof or something to finish it. The windows in the original did bother me (trendy for treny's sake), but the symmetry of the top more than made up for them.
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 88 SCOTT ST

Ward 28: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 12 155755 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Apr 17, 2012

Project: Office Demolition

Description: This is for the demolition of the existing 7 storey office building.
Part of the problem is that when viewed from the side, the stepping from south to north doesn't have enough vertical action to make it interesting; it looks squished.

Agree. The overall proportions were better in the original.

There are big ads/renderings for this tower at King subway station and in the Scotia Plaza concourse near the entrance to the station, as well as in the lobby of the building next door at ground level. (The latter is 10 ft. tall). It took them a while to change all of the renderings to the new design, but it's done now. For a while there some were the old design and some the new.
