Developer: Lifetime Developments
Architect: Wallman Architects
Address: 504 Wellington St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 162 ft / 49.50 mStoreys: 13 storeys
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Toronto 504 Wellington Street West | 49.5m | 13s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

If they're under 30cm in diameter and are on private property, the owner can do with them what they want. What do you expect?
I believe the trees being referred to are 'in front of the building', and would thus be on City property.

The boulevard is very wide on Wellington between Spadina and Portland, and the buildings are all virtually right at their respective lot lines (except for the 424 Wellington West building, which, if the Brad Lamb redevelopment proposal proceeds, would be relocated to the lot line)..
As per Realnet, this site has sold in July 2020 for 19 million to Lifetime. The VTB was very high at 80% of the total, however the rate wasn't far removed from the market rate, so the adjustment for the financing will be limited. The reported buildable here is $325 per sq ft, meaning based on the sale price each sq ft of buildable space cost $325.

Values sure don't appear to have been affected dramatically by the pandemic, at least in this area for development land. Given it is only one sample, but still...

Event Date:2020-07-02
Land Use:High Density
Land Area:0.161 acres
Interesting, this would be Lifetime's second development site along this stretch currently. The other being on the southside at 485 Wellington:

Wonder if Lifetime will eventually switch this to their go-to architect Wallman:

Future Lifetime projects

There are plans for a 14-storey, 117-unit condo at 485 Wellington St. W. and a 13-storey, 34-unit luxury condo at 504 Wellington St. W., near Portland Street.

^They probably will, and we already know this will be value-engineered to death as well. Whatever comes out of this, it's sure to be cheap and uninspiring.
Not sure if this is real but I hadn't seen it here yet - seems to roughly align with the massing approved at the OMB


New renderings are updated in the database! The development changed from office & retail building to

The original proposal was previously an office& retail building but now it turned into a residential building. The new architect is Wallman Architect & the new developer is Lifetime Development. Overall building count decreased from15 storeys to 13 storeys. The total building height decreased from 68.88m to 49.5m with a total proposed unit count of 58 units. Finally, the total parking spaces increased from 12 parking spaces to 14 parking spaces.

The renderings are taken from the architectural plan via Rezoning Submission:

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-2.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-3.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-4.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-5.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-6.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 21  2022-7.jpg
