Toronto 5 Huntley | 209.2m | 63s | EHLP | Turner Fleischer

Northern Light

Member Bio
May 20, 2007
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A rather audacious ask here would shift this yellow-belt designated property to Apartment Neighbourhoods and replace SFH built forms with 63s.

The site is comprised of 3 buildings, 5 Huntley, and 2-8 Earl. I take no issue, in theory, with the OPA shift here, as this site is almost adjacent to a row of skyscrapers proposed on Isabella, across from an extant hirse apartment and only a couple of blocks from Huntley-Selby.

However, this is audacious, without having the architectural or other pedigree to support the ask.

A quick look at context, and then the renders before @3Dementia gets impatient, LOL

From the Planning Report, the subject site outlined in red below.


The site as is from same:



The application:






Site Plan:


Ground Floor Plan:


Statistical Summary:



Before any observations, the essential tags.

@Paclo is flagged.

@HousingNowTO is flagged as this site is high density, will use an MTSA justification, and seeks a number of indulgences to be discussed separately. Affordable housing should be a given here if this goes ahead in any form.

As I'd like to squeeze in some more sleep between now at 7am, a short set of notes below.

Quick Notes:

- No resident parking (fine)

- Elevator Ratio: 6 elevators to 730 units, 0.82 elevators per 100 units or 121.66 units per elevator.

- Shift from yellowbelt, OPA amendment required and filed.

- Setbacks that are a bit problematic (offset to the east by an LDA, but not to the north, and there's some issue w/the western frontage.)

- No onsite parkland (fine, good, but no specific offsite proposal.)

- Tree Preservation is an issue.

- No preservation of existing buildings (mixed views, non-designated), context/massing and architecture are not great.

- No affordable housing or rental commitment.

- Floor Plate size is above guideline (887.6 M2 per the Planning Report)
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I've been harping on this point for some time now but it's getting to the point that i'm starting to oppose developments around St.James Town unless it contributes, in one way or another, some substantial benefit back to the community. That can be in affordable housing, retail, community space, or whatever else because this neighborhood is just way too dense for it's own good.

Now if we're talking about changing the designation to an apartment/mixed-use neighborhood (which i'm not completely opposed to in this care) while shooting for the sky, then this definitely would need to have a significant contribution in return.

Personally I'm done with the days of ramming density down an already clogged up neighborhood without any significant useful contribution back. Unfortunately I know the province could care less, but there needs to be attention given here.

So in saying all that, this proposal gets a big no from me as it currently stands.
Is this Turner Fleischer's tallest new design yet, from their newly opened Butt Ugly Design Studio?
I'm pretty sure it was this one before its redesign.

But they also did Sapphire Tower a long time ago that might have been proposed taller.
Straight to the OLT on this one after 137 Isabella just got a refusal (with greater setbacks) and 10 huntley appealed (bc of setbacks). Though 561 Jarvis settled.

Not sure how you even have a PAC on a proposal like this and then submit an application
But they also did Sapphire Tower a long time ago that might have been proposed taller.

UT throw-back - circa 2006

Turner wasn’t involved in any of the 371 versions of Sapphire (until the very end of the debacle when the city required proper drawings and a $180,000 submission fee which Harry thought was extortion).

All the initial design work was done by a much-loved UT forum member and graphic artist named cassiusa who was kept captive by Harry in a black-ops site, churning out design ideas… which Harry would then sign “designed by Harry Stinson”. Pretty sure Cass was paid pennies on the dollar of what was owed to him.

@interchange42 , @AlvinofDiaspar and others will remember the pages of UT discussions (and 'H' roasts) when cassiusa would share his revised designs and ask for feedback from the gang. UT members were basically voting on their favourites… with 'H' lurking in the UT shadows.

Here’s my escher-esque (and unbuildable) contribution to Cass’ invitation for ideas and feedback for his shorter terraced version (that he drew after the disco ball version was dumped because of shadowing on NPS).



P.S. Guess what’s still for sale 18 years later lol. A bargain!


Sorry for the interruption... back to regularly scheduled programming. 📺
Straight to the OLT on this one after 137 Isabella just got a refusal (with greater setbacks) and 10 huntley appealed (bc of setbacks). Though 561 Jarvis settled.

Not sure how you even have a PAC on a proposal like this and then submit an application


Just to afford additional explanation for those who may require it; PAC (bolded above) is Pre-Application Consultation. This is a meeting between the proponent/their planners and City Planning staff to have an understanding of what would be expected were the application to be submitted.


I think it's fair to say Planning would have raised many of the issues I've highlighted, and @1Ć0 has mirrored, and doubtless a few more.

This does not seem well thought out.
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Wow. Talk about one ham-fisted example of a submission. This reminds me of a dumbed down version of 2 Bloor West, but made residential and with the characteristics of contemporary architecture. It reads as an office tower (on first glance) due to its massing and lack of setbacks. I agree with others that this proposal, in addition to needing a serious rethink for both its fundamental form and site layout, needs to consider its impact in joining an already dense area of downtown, and what contributions the site can make not just to St. James Town, but nearby apartment neighbourhoods centred by the Village. Some cobsideration of a heritage component would be good too, since this site can afford that.
The one positive here is that they aren't slapping the facades of a homes on a 63 storey tower. That's not heritage preservation. That's the perception of heritage preservation in a city dependent on real estate development. The history save the outer facade is erased; everything from good and bad alterations to the lives that have passed through. Selective demolition and propping up these facades must come at additional time and costs too.

More blocky towers with minimal property setbacks. What's the plan? The city of Toronto to hit 10 million poor souls?
This might be the craziest proposal of the year thus far. If you're gonna build anything here, you would think it would look like what they did on the lot immediately north of this.
