Back to the drawing board? From Pam McConnell yesterday:
Dear Neighbours,
Thank you to all who participated in recent public consultations on the development proposal for the Distillery area Triangle Lands, and the proposed Official Plan Amendment on shadowing of Trinity Square.
During these meetings, I heard support from residents for public realm improvements associated with the proposal, the replacement of surface parking with pedestrian walkways, new grade related retail, weather protection and a more sheltered Trinity Square. There was no agreement on the scale and density of the tower. There were concerns regarding traffic, replacement of public parking, provision of family sized units, green development standards, and the impact of the development podium on the Case Goods heritage building.
Following these consultations, the developers met with City Planning and stated they are willing to work on changes and respond to issues raised by the community and staff. The developer and Planning teams will be convening working sessions in the coming weeks to review options
Should City staff determine that any new proposals are appropriate to bring forward to the community, a new public meeting will be scheduled to present the options. In addition, the development committee of the Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association will be consulted through this process to ensure community issues continue to be raised.
Tomorrow on Wednesday February 18th, a staff report with recommendations on the Official Plan Amendment regarding shadowing will be before Toronto and East York Community Council.
Given that discussions on the application have now been initiated that include reviewing this issue, and that the developer has agreed to not proceed to an appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board at this time, I have determined in consultation with City Planning staff that I will move adjournment (deferal) of the statutory meeting on this report. The meeting will be rescheduled and new notice given once results of discussions with planning and the developer are known. Residents who intended to depute at the meeting tomorrow may wish to wait until a new meeting is scheduled, as only one deputation is allowed per statutory meeting.
As well, I am aware that notification for the public meeting on the development application did not reach 33 Mill St. That error has been corrected. Some residents were able to attend on short notice and provided strong feedback. At this time, I am recommending that a new meeting be convened when a revised proposal comes forward, so not to base feedback on an out of date proposal. Residents can consult the City Planning Portal for the application which has all background reports and copies of the presentations from the meeting, and speak to Planning staff to get further information.
I believe that the discussions that are moving ahead allow us an opportunity to reach a solution in our neighbourhood, and not have it imposed by the OMB.
Pam McConnell
Deputy Mayor
Councillor, Ward 28