Developer: Zinc Developments
Architect: RAW Design
Address: 287 Christie St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 80 ft / 24.50 mStoreys: 6 storeys
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Toronto 287 Christie | 24.5m | 6s | Zinc Developments | RAW Design

How soon before Loblaws (just across the street @ Dupont & Christie) closes to make way for even more condos?
I'm still on topic too, because Loblaws is supposed to be one of the selling points for this future condo.
Fiesta Farms and Farm Boy are also close by.
(Will Loblaws still be around once the land @ 287 Christie finally gets the go ahead to build?)
How soon before Loblaws (just across the street @ Dupont & Christie) closes to make way for even more condos?
I'm still on topic too, because Loblaws is supposed to be one of the selling points for this future condo.
Fiesta Farms and Farm Boy are also close by.
(Will Loblaws still be around once the land @ 287 Christie finally gets the go ahead to build?)

Loblaws will redevelop that property at some point, but it’s not a priority for Choice given the lower density they could achieve on this site compared against many of their others. They will keep the store in the future development.

The site has so much surface parking that they could feasibly phase the development such that there is no downtime in the store. In the meantime, 287 Christie — which is already approved — enjoys perhaps the highest concentration of grocery stores in the city, between Farm Boy, Fiesta Farms, Summerhill, and the green grocers on Bloor.
In the meantime, 287 Christie — which is already approved — enjoys perhaps the highest concentration of grocery stores in the city, between Farm Boy, Fiesta Farms, Summerhill, and the green grocers on Bloor.
They have no low cost shopping though...Freshco, Basics and No Frills are all miles away.
(Loblaws does have better prices than Farm Boy. Sometimes better prices than other stores, but mostly, outside of their weekly flyer, they are expensive.)
Fiesta is not exactly No Frills, but is not particularly expensive. Anyways, a lot of random shopping trials have recently found that you can go to any of them and find some stuff that's cheaper and some stuff that's more expensive.

And living near the fruit stands on Bloor is a major benefit. I live near St. Lawrence Market now but still miss that.
Increase to 10 storeys and design now by a--A

View attachment 615347

At first blush, this new iteration doesn't seem to make use of brick, that would be classic aA to avoid doing anything that would convey warmth.

The setback above the 5th floor isn't clear to me, but it certainly doesn't read as substantial from the above. A 9s+ streetwall on Christie doesn't seem appealing....
Great! Aesthetics aside this is where Avenues like Christie are going. Such an interesting street especially towards Dupont! And properties bordering a large park (Christie Pits) will be highly desirable.
At first blush, this new iteration doesn't seem to make use of brick, that would be classic aA to avoid doing anything that would convey warmth.

The setback above the 5th floor isn't clear to me, but it certainly doesn't read as substantial from the above. A 9s+ streetwall on Christie doesn't seem appealing....

The massing has been pulled back on Christie vs. the original approval (2m, no encroachments) which means a wider public realm. The setback above the 5th storey is 2m.

The setback doesn't read like how we typically think of stepbacks in Toronto because the lower (fatter) portion doesn't have balconies but the upper portion above the stepback does (which to me sort of underscores the folly of the Toronto approach to stepbacks as it illustrates how much of this is a box-ticking exercise adhering to a strange and very specific aesthetic).

Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 1.42.18 PM.png
The massing has been pulled back on Christie vs. the original approval (2m, no encroachments) which means a wider public realm. The setback above the 5th storey is 2m.

View attachment 615375

In theory, this is a trade I want to be open to...........but.....

The setback doesn't read like how we typically think of stepbacks in Toronto because the lower (fatter) portion doesn't have balconies but the upper portion above the stepback does

View attachment 615382

^^^ This.

I think the balconies on the upper levels detract from the visual that one hopes to obtain through a setback.

They encroach, bringing the upper floors forward as if the setback weren't a thing.

That defeats the human-scale purpose of the first setback. Their is also a wind reason for setbacks, I'll assume this design can still serve that purpose.

(which to me sort of underscores the folly of the Toronto approach to stepbacks as it illustrates how much of this is a box-ticking exercise adhering to a strange and very specific aesthetic).

We can all have different preferences, but I don't think there's anything strange or specific about the desire for human-scale. Its been widely studied, and the preference for it exists in most societies and cultures if not all.

Straight-line verticality reads badly to the majority.

Aside from which you then run into issues w/wind that have to be mitigated.
This is not the point I'm making; the point I'm making is that the way the City goes about trying to achieve this is, in my opinion, often unsuccessful.

That's fair enough.

Though, it makes me would you choose write a policy/guideline rule that would achieve that goal is a better way?

I'm not picking on you, I'm genuinely curious.......and....who knows.........maybe we could get that policy worked on a bit.
That's fair enough.

Though, it makes me would you choose write a policy/guideline rule that would achieve that goal is a better way?

I'm not picking on you, I'm genuinely curious.......and....who knows.........maybe we could get that policy worked on a bit.

Honestly I'm fine to admit I'm not sure I have the answer; I just know the current one isn't working particularly well!
