Hamilton 213 King Street West | 94.3m | 30s | Vrancor Development | ZO1

Crane installation will be coming in couple weeks
Has Vrancor build a single nice-looking development in Hamilton? They all look terrible. Straight out of a 2003 Peel Condo Guide.
Has Vrancor build a single nice-looking development in Hamilton? They all look terrible. Straight out of a 2003 Peel Condo Guide.
Marquee is sort of OK minus the huge blank party walls (which are now thankfully getting covered up relatively quickly) - but the rest of his stuff is terrible.

I give him credit for building in Hamilton when nobody else would touch the city with a 10-foot hole, and some of those efforts may be causing the current boom.. but now that other builders are interested, I'd be fine with him moving on to other pastures.
Crane installation planned on July 13 via City of Hamilton on Twitter and there’s a road closure on Caroline St from King St to George St.

I will be visiting the site over the next couple of weeks for an construction update.
