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1233 Queen East | ?m | 8s

The article also states that external speakers are being added due to feedback from riders with disabilities - I thought this was actually an OWDA requirement now.
I agree that the ends of the cars need some hand rails but I though thing the handrails they have used in the test train makes sense. The rest of the train is a single bar on roof along the centre line of the car with solid retractable holds, plus the vertical bars with red anti-microbial surfaces attached to the seats and a bar near the roof, and the horizontal bar over the seats. The only thing missing in the ends of the cars as compared to the middle is a single horizontal bar with retractable holds on the centre line of the car. Why would we need strap holds at the sides right next to the vertical bar attached to the seats? If they can't put a bar down the centre line of the car, then the second best option is a hold the same distance out from the wall as the horizontal bar over the seats but across the doorways (not just the ends of the car) at the same height as the top of the doorways. The mesh of bars and 4 bright yellow straps placed where it adds little benefit looks awful and is completely overkill for the number of bars required.
Not riding TR cars that have already been delivered and paid for will not make one whit of difference to the striking workers or Bombardier. What an asinine thing to say. (Which I know is what you are pointing out, Ehlow). Besides as everyone here knows, it would stop an entire line. Ridiculous.
There is doubtless a lot of pressure on margins on the rail side given the ongoing difficulties with C series. It may be that there are legit beefs at issue. But many of these vehicles are being funded by municipalities feeling the effects of the auto sector meltdown, many of whose ratepayers have likely not found well paying work since, and that's before we talk about 700km delivery distances of not tens but hundreds of vehicles (and more for prototypes requiring factory refit)
Not riding TR cars that have already been delivered and paid for will not make one whit of difference to the striking workers or Bombardier. What an asinine thing to say. (Which I know is what you are pointing out, Ehlow). Besides as everyone here knows, it would stop an entire line. Ridiculous.

I find it very ironic that many (generically on this site...not one person in particular) are VERY pro-union for transit workers. Any mention of outsourcing jobs to non-union shops will be shut down almost immediately (look at how well 2 different companies have outsourced garbage collection with LARGE savings to the city...the same thing can be done with bus drivers).

But as soon as it is someone else (Thunder Bay) you do no support your "brothers and sisters". They have the same concerns that the TTC union has...protecting jobs and salaries and not worrying about customer satifaction.

So either (1) support the union cause, (2) don't support it or (3) admit that you are only worried about your friends/family who work at the TTC and don't really care about the union.

I totally understand the people that are in the first 2 camps...disagree with some but understand their point...the third I have a hypocricy issue with.
I suppose if someone feels strongly about supporting the striking workers, they could not ride the trains delivered through the picket lines. I didn't check to see if the car numbers are visible in the photo.
I suppose if someone feels strongly about supporting the striking workers, they could not ride the trains delivered through the picket lines. I didn't check to see if the car numbers are visible in the photo.

If one felt really strongly, one could choose not to ride ANY equipment built by Bombardier for the duration. I guess that leaves the buses ...
AFAIK, all the trains on Line 1-YUS are supposed to be TRs, however T1s are occasionally used. I got one a couple of weeks back nb at Bloor during the pm rush. It was the first T1 I'd seen in months.
I recall seeing a 'new' rocket train parked in the tail tracks at Kipling at some point one evening (8:30-ish) in late July, but the bendy parts between the cars looked in pretty bad shape. I forgot to snap a picture then, and I wonder what that was about.
Just saw the new handle bars and it still doesn't help with the air con grill area near the doors..

Whenever I ride on one of those I cringe at how poorly planned out it is. The air conditioner units without the handle bars are a low ceiling for me (and I'm only an average-tall guy), but the ones with handle bars are so short I have to crane my neck.
