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Formal Application for this one is now live on the AIC:


For the most part, I think we have the render side of this covered, but I will publish the Site Plan, statistics and other info below and note anything of interest.

I will start by suggesting people make note of the 'Art Walls' proposed below; and that the former City Morgue is proposed to be retail. This surely must be where @Undead will open up shop.






Note the landscape architect:





The last image is of interest, as it shows the proposal involves relocating the heritage building (City Coroner's Office) over to the east side of the site, from the west side to sit beside the heritage fire hall.
Thanks Northern Light for this, I thought I was loosing my spacial thinking. Moving the heritage over might even enhance. I like the idea of the mid block hi rise instead of on the corners. Keeps in my opinion the street scape perspective intact. I personally really don't see a height issue here. Looks fairly well integrated compared to some of the new proposals on University Ave. Hope the murals age well...
For exceptional proposals like this I wish there were a process to fast track the approvals process. Not the SPA as I’m sure there’s all the servicing / engineering doohickeys to iron out but, it’s always frustrating to see something grandiose like this get watered down over the 2-3 year cycle to ratification. That said - maybe there won’t be a planning objection here, but given the height relative to the current landscape I can’t imagine this makes it through as is…
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Thanks @ Northern Light for the extra spoonful of sugar in my morning coffee. This looks amazing... materials, public space... 31m x 2 walls of art. Wow.
I’m curious about how the Art walls would hold up with a fairly prominent homeless and substance addicted population that would more than likely take up residence in that alley.

Thanks Northern Light for this, I thought I was loosing my spacial thinking. Moving the heritage over might even enhance. I like the idea of the mid block hi rise instead of on the corners. Keeps in my opinion the street scape perspective intact. I personally really don't see a height issue here. Looks fairly well integrated compared to some of the new proposals on University Ave. Hope the murals age well...
The height is absolutely massive for the area IMO. It sticks out like a sore thumb in that render. I generally favour mid rise in this area near St Lawrence and this street is no exception.
I’m curious about how the Art walls would hold up with a fairly prominent homeless and substance addicted population that would more than likely take up residence in that alley.

Good point. Instead of benches and art that everyone can enjoy, we should probably build something like this on the chance that someone we don't like sits too close

Screen Shot 2022-09-12 at 3.41.53 PM.png
I’m curious about how the Art walls would hold up with a fairly prominent homeless and substance addicted population that would more than likely take up residence in that alley.

The height is absolutely massive for the area IMO. It sticks out like a sore thumb in that render. I generally favour mid rise in this area near St Lawrence and this street is no exception.

How do the homeless and substance addicted population affect mural longevity?

I too struggle with the proposal's size however being mid block and the tower primarily glass clad may have the same effect as 88 Scott from Berczy Park, not really noticeable. The key here is walkable, engaging ground space with active pedestrian street experience. A restaurant in the heritage area marked retail and a high end coffee shop on the new structure's ground level would go a long way here to adding to the neighbourhood's vibe rather than detracting. Sure in a perfect world the Lawrence Market neighbourhood would be filled with quality mid rises however what we seem to get is massive blocky 25 storey faceless monoliths. i'll take the point tower with hopefully 25m separation from future builds.
How do the homeless and substance addicted population affect mural longevity?

I too struggle with the proposal's size however being mid block and the tower primarily glass clad may have the same effect as 88 Scott from Berczy Park, not really noticeable. The key here is walkable, engaging ground space with active pedestrian street experience. A restaurant in the heritage area marked retail and a high end coffee shop on the new structure's ground level would go a long way here to adding to the neighbourhood's vibe rather than detracting. Sure in a perfect world the Lawrence Market neighbourhood would be filled with quality mid rises however what we seem to get is massive blocky 25 storey faceless monoliths. i'll take the point tower with hopefully 25m separation from future builds.
Less about mural longevity and more about the maintenance and upkeep of the space IMO. I feel like some developers who plan these buildings are completely disconnected from the actual socio-economic reality of the neighbourhoods they are building in. I love the concept of the art wall but I have seen many spaces in the immediate area fall into a bad state due to the buildings/city not anticipating the amount of garbage cleanup/needle disposal/surface cleaning (due to feces etc) and general safety measures (lighting etc) needed to keep them in a good state of use.

I agree, turning the morgue into some animated retail i.e coffee shop or restaurant would be amazing.
