^Explain to me then many areas of NYC which have single storey buildings yet remain incredibly vibrant?
OTOH, care to explain why City Place is such a dull place to hang out on the weekend? I never say to people I know "Let's go to City Place it's so cool there!" No, I say let's go to (2s) Ossington, (1-2s) Kensington Market, (3s) Queen West.
I guess you meant areas in NYC that is not Manhattan?
Look, I am not against low rise buildings. They have their purpose and I am not saying we shouldn't have any of them. However, they just don't make sense in a large city center, where land is scarce. Those 1 story buildings can be vibrant, but I am sure they are not at 42nd/Madison, are they? More like somewhere in Brooklyn. The same for downtown Toronto. The land is too precious for that kind of low density structure.
CityPlace is dull because it has no retail but lots of renters. And it is secluded from downtown by the railtracks. It is not relevant to our discussion here as I am not proposing 40 storey condos everywhere on Huron st. I am not against low rise because I don't like their look. I am against them sitting in downtown because they don't make economic sense. downtown land simply should be made better use of and serve 5X residence/business.
Ossington, Kensington, Queen W are great despite their low rise character, not because of it. If those are all 4-6 storey buildings, they will be even more vibrant and offer a lot more to us.
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