There is a rumour going around in Vancouver that Translink were in talks with Alstom begging them to bid for the 200 car order to replace the MK.1 cars, but evidently they are not going to bid on them. Nor is Siemens which means that the proprietary and now called Movia Automatic Light Metro (MALM) cars are indeed proprietary after TransLink spent a great deal of time and money convincing everyone that they are not.
The rumour is that if Alsltom joined with bombardier for joint production, they would insist that MALM production would cease altogether as Vancouver is the only customer for the product.
There has been almost a 3 day media barrage saying how wonderful that 12 more cars have entered service on the Canada line, but the line cannot be expanded.
Presently the Canada Line operates a 3 minute peak hour service from Bridgeport Station to downtown Vancouver.
Canada Line Hype and Hoopla : Rail for the Valley