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The Annex - Death From Above? (Ice falls from airplanes)

My point is only that I have two personal experiences with this... phenomena?
That I have witnesses? That I have two first hand reports from area residents who report similar odd events in the past year or so? That Transport Canada did confirm that planes were overhead and headed for the Island airport within minutes of the first impact in 2007? That the area was completely ice free at the time? That the TC investigator explained to me in a voice call that ice can be released when planes lower their undercarriages?
Frankly I don't care whose planes these are!
I am sorry if this is hard for people to understand. Next time I guess I will toss a chunk off the deck and crush a puppy (see "stray electrical currents".) Seems that is what it takes to wake people up these daze?
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hehe... sorry for the rant...
Just for the record I have no axe to grind. I don't belong to any activist organization. I regret that I mentioned the "P" word (Porter.)

I only expose myself in this public forum out of desperation?

I know how these online spaces can be infested with... well the Globe and Mail site comes to mind...

Please don't dirty up this thread with silly conspiracy theories? If you think this is a joke pls go back to your favourite TV show or whatever fav opiate dulls your mind... ;->

As I said in my original post, I am only curious to hear at this point from other Annex residents that have encountered these same experiences.
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lock, not even 10 hours after you started this thread, a plane crashed into a house in NY state, everyone dead and the the cause could be built up ice on the aircraft....

Neither the controller nor the pilot exchanged any concerns of anything out of the ordinary as the airplane is asked to fly at 700 metres.

A minute later, the controller tries to contact the plane but hears no response. After a pause, he tries to contact the plane again several times without response.

The website also records another pilot telling the airport control tower that he has encountered rime icing conditions.

Rime ice is a result of freezing drizzle and looks like frost in a freezer. Rime icing which forms on aircraft can diminish lift and performance.

Sorry Lock
You're a new member and to be ranting about ice from a Q400, I expected it to be an anti-Porter sentiment.

As for the Q400, it is the safest plane, at least these incarnations. The ones SAS were using had some hydraulic problems, but that issue was rectified on all the aircraft that Porter received, before they were put in use by the company.
Someone should check the Canada Air Pilot to see the approach plates. I am a little skeptical that the plates would allow part of the approach routing over the annex. Next, the thickness of ice you are talking about would be a flight safety hazard if that amount of accumulation did occur, particularly to something as small as a Q400. It's possible, of course, that ice built up on the undercarriage doors but it would seem to be improbable on the main gear doors as a good chunk of that would get blown up in flight by the propwash (the main gear on the Q is under the engine) or melted off by residual turbine heat. That leaves the nose wheel doors. Again, it's possible but definitely not at inches thick. If an aircraft had that much ice just below the nose you'd have weight and balance issues and diruptive airflow causing unsteady flight control characteristics.

Do take it up with Transport Canada. I love to hear more about what it could be. For my money though, it's more likely to have blown off the roof of a car travelling at speed....and if it came straight from above, from an aircraft at a much higher altitude than Porter flies activating it's de-icing equipment (boots, heaters, etc.). It would just seem odd to me that it has happened with such frequency to you. Ice accumulation on aircraft is rare and extremely dangerous. Pilots will do anything and everything to avoid getting into atmospheric conditions that would result in ice build up. If a pilot is regularly building up 4 inches of ice anywhere on his/her aircraft, that would be almost criminally negligent.
"LOCK" - Your post is contrary to our rules about new members starting new threads. The rule, for which enforcement is subject to discretion, keeps out spam and questionable rants, which is what I see here.
"LOCK" - Your post is contrary to our rules about new members starting new threads. The rule, for which enforcement is subject to discretion, keeps out spam and questionable rants, which is what I see here.
Hello ShonTron
I am sorry I missed the part about no new threads. I looked at the other threads and didn't see where I might post that would not be off topic... believe me I would have been thrilled to see an existing thread about odd bits of ice showing up in Toronto! :)

I have already apologized for the "rant" which didn't actually have anything to do with the Subject but was about folks here jumping on the subject with conspiracy theories or what have you?

In my original post I simply tried to state some facts as I know them and asked if anyone here in the Annex area has had or perhaps have heard of similar experiences... I hope in this instance you might leave it up to the others here whether my post(s) have been "spam" or silly "rant"?

I set up an online network around North America back in the `80's as a group of "sysops" and we had 3,000 members. I can empathize with the good work that moderators do... so, thank you?
Lock Hughes

Thank you for all your replies. Some seem very knowledgable about aircraft and these have been particularly interesting. I honestly can't think of anything I can add to this subject now. I hope this thread can just stay here as "message in a bottle" and that if anyone has experienced anything like this in the Annex area (or?) they will find me and let me know.

`Fraid my "plaster cast" of flour and water didn't work this time. So no cast this time, just pics and a few people why saw the ice yesterday and also thought it pretty strange!

Sorry about the recent air crash but I expect most flyers will not change a thing of their travels plans and personally I have always enjoyed the smallest planes the most!

Hope all here have an early Spring!

Lock Hughes
So some ice lands on your roof, and you automatically assume it fell from a plane? Reality check: had a chunk of ice that large fallen from a height of 2000 feet, it would have picked up so much momentum that it would have either penetrated the roof sheathing land in your bedroom, or if your roof miraculously withstood the impact, the ice would have shattered into so many pieces that the largest remaining fragment would be no larger than a nickel.

Your story is implausible. The building that appears just to the left of your deck must have poor detailing, causing ice to accumulate at one particular location, and therefore when it falls, it quite logically lands in nearly the same spot on your property.
Your story is implausible. The building that appears just to the left of your deck must have poor detailing, causing ice to accumulate at one particular location, and therefore when it falls, it quite logically lands in nearly the same spot on your property.
No ... clearly UFOs. The same UFOs that assassinated Kennedy, shot down TWA Flight 800, and demolished the World Trade Centre towers after they had been hit by planes.

Isn't it obvious?
...and I thought this thread was going to be about Death From Above playing Lee's Palace!

i would be pissed if ice fell on my from 20000 feet up. utterly pissed.
