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Star: Why is T.O. the capital of Facebook?


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Apr 22, 2007
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I have to agree that I'm a bit astonished that Toronto (and Canada) has such a massive Facebook presence versus much of the rest of the world. I don't really buy most of the arguments they raise in this article though, as they could be applied to many cities other than TO. So what do you think... why is TO so Facebook crazy?


Why is T.O. the capital of Facebook?

Toronto claims more members of the popular social networking site than any other city in the world and it's not just because we're geeks
Jun 30, 2007 04:30 AM
Alexandra Shimo
Special to the Star

Facebook, that ubiquitous social networking tool, has not been kind to Torontonian Roger Rai this month. A couple of weeks ago, after dining at high-end Kultura, Rai went for a few drinks at trendy Lobby. Yet when questioned by his girlfriend about the evening's activities, Rai said he had gone straight home after dinner.

"But my girlfriend had seen photos of me on Facebook at Lobby," he explains. "I was so busted."

Busted, addicted and obsessed are three words that capture Toronto's relationship to the popular Internet site. As a city, we have more members than New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco combined. Thirteen per cent of Torontonians have signed up.

We not only have more members than any other city – 670,038 as of this week– we have more groups within the site talking about the goings on of our town.

There are forums devoted to Toronto's island airport. Others have formed to chat about last weekend's Pride festivities, or how Toronto comedy is faring. In total, there are more than 350 groups of people dedicated to discussing different aspects of the TTC – whether it's okay to eat on it, how to do gymnastics in subways and whether tickets are overpriced. There are so many groups devoted to the minutia of Toronto that the magazine Spacing recently launched an online forum called Facebook Fridays, which highlights and reviews the best pages to visit.

"There are so many groups that we wanted to tell people which ones were worth checking into," says Matthew Blackett, publisher of Spacing. "Facebook has become a wonderful public forum – it's unbelievable."

But why is Toronto, more than any other place, so besotted with Facebook? It's hard to untangle, says Andy Walker, a technology writer, and author of The Absolute Beginners Guide to Security, Spam, Spyware and Viruses. A number of explanations stand out, he says.

One reason is that our city is technologically wired; Toronto has one of the highest penetrations of the Internet in the world. Another is our salaries, he adds. Torontonians have high disposable incomes compared with most other Canadians. We make almost 20 per cent more ($35,618) than the national average ($29,769).

With more money, we can afford broadband connection and the fast computers that make Facebook more enjoyable and easier to run.

"We tend to be early adopters of new technologies," explains Walker, who met his current girlfriend through Facebook, and says he's addicted to the site. "We are a city of gadget freaks and Internet geeks, so, of course, we are into Facebook."

Social class could also play a role, says Chris Thompson, a former Torontonian and technology writer who now lives in New York. Recent research from the United States suggests that people pick their social networking sites along class lines.

Facebook users are more likely to come from families that emphasize education and going to college, according to Danah Boyd, a researcher at the University of California. By contrast, Myspace members are more likely to come from poorer or working class backgrounds, Boyd found.

If social class plays a role, Facebook is the obvious choice for the city, says Thompson who writes for The New York Times magazine and other publications. Torontonians are more likely to be well educated than residents of most other North American cities, with higher numbers going to post-secondary education.

"Facebook started out focusing exclusively on the university population," he says. "Toronto is a huge university town, with four major universities and a number of smaller ones, so it makes sense that it would take off in the city."

Once numbers have reached a certain mass, the booming popularity can become a self-fulfilling phenomenon. This concept is known as the tipping point, and it refers to that critical moment when growth explodes.

It's a subject that comes up often – a number of on-line discussion boards have surfaced that talk about this phenomenon in Toronto. Jason McBride, co-editor of uTOpia: Towards a New Toronto, and avid Facebook user, believes the site recently reached that critical mass.

A number of people who resisted the first Facebook wave are just joining now, he says. "The fact that everyone in Toronto is on encourages them to join. It's like with email or cell phones."

As an online roundtable for civic engagement, Facebook has no parallels, Blackett says. But the site serves the city in other ways, too. Last month, Crime Stoppers used the site to target people who might have information on the death of Jordan Manners.

After the 15-year-old was shot and killed in May, police wrote on several pages that had sprouted up in Jordan's memory, asking people to get in contact if they had any information about the murder. The Ontario Provincial Police have also used the site to check up on parties where there might be underage drinking or drugs. There are even reports of officers arriving at the scene of the crime with directions to the illegal party printed from the pages of Facebook.

"Once you figure out how it works, it can be quite an effective tool for reaching a lot of people really fast," says Constable Scott Mills, with the Crime Stoppers program.

The site is so popular that City of Toronto employees were banned from using it while at work last month. The ban was necessary, officials announced, to remove the temptation to waste "an inordinate amount of time".

For 36-year-old Rai, the surging popularity of the site has very real, immediate personal consequences. The animation producer says it is difficult to go out in the city without someone snapping a photo and posting it on their Facebook account.

A minor irritation perhaps, but the Facebook phenomenon has meant an unfortunate loss of privacy, he says.

"Someone will come up to me and ask, were you at the Drake on Tuesday, and I'll say; `How did you know?' It turns out they've seen me in a photo where I've been tagged. People end up knowing exactly what I'm up to whether I like it or not. It's a wonderful tool but it leaves you so exposed."
Great tool for spying on people, lol.

And as for this one:

The site is so popular that City of Toronto employees were banned from using it while at work last month. The ban was necessary, officials announced, to remove the temptation to waste "an inordinate amount of time".

Having had several friends who worked for the TTC or City of Toronto as university level summer students, I have no comment.
Facebook a good tool for keeping in touch and networking, but there's also something very creepy about it.
Facebook is so 1984.

I love spying on strangers but at the same time, I find fb depressing. If kids are so upfront and proud of showing off their stupidity in 2007 imagine the stuff they'll be up to in 2040. It's just hard for me to fathom that many of those "soft core porn" pix they post on fb could end up derailing a promising career in 30 years' time. Kids: they're so immature and short term thinkers. Am I on facebook? Yeah i'm one of those 70's kids....

However, I have found a few amazing fb groups--the best out of toronto is led by a group of YorkU wannabe Investment bankes/traders. It amazes me that they have time to both excell at school, network on fb and trade stocks online. So yes some of the live intraday stock trading tips on fb are indeed good tips and green is green:) However, being a 70's kid, I find it hard to multitask and thus find fb slightly immature and distracting. However, I've always had an urge to randomly "poke" people;)
Facebook is extremely teeny-bopper and generally worthless, but it is very easy for sending out a mass invite request for a party or a social gathering. I think a lot of people just use their account to collect event invitations.
I just signed up (before the said article was published) mostly because I kept getting fb group links and heard others rave. It's neat to see who is friends with who, but I was surprised by the amount of personal information that can be put down and displayed.

It's certainly neat, but I'm not hooked. UT takes much more of my time.
I understand the criticisms of FB - especially the time-wasting potential. For teens and 20-somethings who tend to have their entire grade or university graduating class added as contacts - and who seem to have to message all of these people daily - I don't know how they get anything done. As an older user, however, I have found a number of unforeseen benefits and uses:

1) Status updates allow me to keep tabs on distant friends without any effort
You have to have a reason to email someone. But if your friends on FB take the time to post their status on FB, you get an idea of what they're up to, both in significant and trivial ways. The predefined status options provided by FB ("I am working", "I am at school") never get used. It's become a challenge to write updates that are amusing, pique people's curiosity, or inform about an important event. I do care to know when a friend is sick, when they've gotten engaged, or when they're attending an event. It allows a degree of feedback never before accessible without any effort on your part.

2) Getting back in touch with old friends
Since joining FB, I've reconnected with old friends - people I thought I'd never talk to again. I have former coworkers who have moved overseas. Within about a week of one of them forming a FB group, about 25 of us are all back in touch, from here to Halifax, London (England), Switzerland, and Qatar. I've reconnected with former pupils, including two I taught 12 years ago (just attended a high school graduation ceremony for one of them) as well as their parents, and another group I worked with 19 years ago. It's the biggest kick to see them grown up. I'm also back in touch with an ex, and was recently contacted by someone I went to junior high with (we're getting together for drinks soon).

3) Six Degrees of Separation
Because of FB's contact lists, you can see everyone your friends know. About four times now, I've discovered by accident that people I know are friends of friends (or friends of friends of friends) from completely unrelated social circles. This is something I find truly amazing; I can't think of any similar social phenomenon. Without FB, these connections would likely never get discovered.

FB is what you make of it. It can take some time to locate old friends. But with my networks now established (and always growing), I am finding it to be more than a toy. The other day, for the first time, I used FB for business purposes. I wanted feedback on an obscure bit of software we are soon installing at work. Rather than use email (I don't check personal email while at work), I messaged through FB and my answers within 24 hours.
3) Six Degrees of Separation
Because of FB's contact lists, you can see everyone your friends know. About four times now, I've discovered by accident that people I know are friends of friends (or friends of friends of friends) from completely unrelated social circles. This is something I find truly amazing; I can't think of any similar social phenomenon. Without FB, these connections would likely never get discovered.

The funny thing is, sites like Friendster and Hi5 allow you to do the exact same thing.

I guess Facebook just has a more user friendly interface. The biggest draw at first was probably the ability to view people's profiles without their knowledge.
Re Wente: Wow. I agreed with the old fart on something.

From Wente's article:

I don't get the thrill (or has it become the absolute necessity?) of living out your life in public.

Considering she recently chronicled her experience on the TTC, I am sure she gets it alright.

That's cuz I pulled out of Facebook. I have no regrets. Please send your correspondence to me, as before, via smoke signals.


Link to article

Toronto slips to No. 2 spot in Facebook ranks


July 24, 2007

It may be the largest city in Canada and the centre of the universe to some, but when it comes to, Toronto is now just second best.

Some time last week, London leapfrogged the Big Smoke to steal the crown of the biggest Facebook geographic network.

According to statistics yesterday from the popular social networking destination, just under 810,000 Londoners have signed onto Facebook, while Toronto lags behind with 705,000 users. To put that into perspective, the population of London is about 7.5 million, compared with Toronto's estimated 2.6 million.

Facebook spokesman Matt Hicks said that the regional network numbers reflect only users who have decided to affiliate with that network.

"There are other users who might live in Toronto or London who decide not to join the local regional network. In some areas, users are more likely to join a work or school network or even no network at all," Mr. Hicks said.

Although Torontonians may not be the darling of Facebook any more, they are a large part of the nationwide contingent that visits the site in droves. Canadians account for the largest user base outside of the United States, about 10 per cent of Facebook's 32 million active users. According to the Web measurement firm ComScore, 11.4 million Canadians logged onto Facebook last month, compared with only 343,000 in the same period last year.

By the numbers

32 million Active Facebook users

3.1 million Canadian active users on Facebook

4 per cent Current weekly growth of Facebook in Canada (compared with 3 per cent over all)

810,000Users in the London regional network, which has become the world's largest

705,000 Members in the Toronto regional network, the system's second largest

David George-Cosh
