Actually, feel free to look up, for example, the NY/NY study on supportive housing for the homeless (Culhane, et al.). Housing may not be cheap, but it's certainly cheaper than shelters, jails AND ERs. In addition, the use of the latter produces a really poor quality of life for the individual, and more or less condemns the person to more of the same.
Oh and BTW, social housing are often problematic because it is a "dumping ground" for individuals that are poorly served in other areas (particularly mental health), due to changes in policies at other levels of government. Deinstitutionalization is a perfect example - guess where the cost savings occured, and where the additional costs are brought to bear?
I find that hard to believe.
Actually, feel free to look up, for example, the NY/NY study on supportive housing for the homeless (Culhane, et al.). Housing may not be cheap, but it's certainly cheaper than shelters, jails AND ERs. In addition, the use of the latter produces a really poor quality of life for the individual, and more or less condemns the person to more of the same.
Oh and BTW, social housing are often problematic because it is a "dumping ground" for individuals that are poorly served in other areas (particularly mental health), due to changes in policies at other levels of government. Deinstitutionalization is a perfect example - guess where the cost savings occured, and where the additional costs are brought to bear?