I think the real issue is WHY are 6 stations over a billion dollars? They really shouldnt be, that seems ridiculous. We need to stop building palaces.
I dont think the stations are a bad idea, just stop overbuilding things.
Also I am pretty sure that GO-RER will do better than 15 minutes, thats the lowest guaranteed frequency, at evenings/weekends.
If I recall, the stations will have trains every 8 minutes in peak frequency.
Thirdly, the Liberty Village stop is not that close to the Ontario Line plans. I think it still warrants being built. Exhibition GO already exists and all my liberty friends complain that its way too far south. King/Bathurst stop is not in Liberty either.
Just remove all the window dressing and chrome plating. Doesnt have to be a the taj mahal
That being said Gerrard or East Harbour should be nixed. They are both on the Ontario line and are redundant. My vote is to nix Gerrard.