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SmartTrack (Proposed)

Just received this. "Notice of EPR Addendum".


Notice of Environmental Project Report Addendum
Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion Project

In 2017, Metrolinx completed an Environmental Project Report (EPR) for the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion (BRCE) Project. The BRCE Project included the provision of a second track between Lansdowne Avenue in the City of Toronto and Allandale Waterfront GO Station in the City of Barrie; upgrades to existing GO Stations; and a new train layover facility.

To support service expansion, Metrolinx identified the need to add new stations along the Barrie rail corridor which had not been evaluated in the initial EPR, including two new stations in Toronto: Bloor-Lansdowne GO Station and Spadina-Front GO Station.

Please be advised that Metrolinx has now completed an EPR addendum for these two new GO stations. Click here to view the Notice of EPR Addendum.

The Notice includes further information on the project, the EPR addendum and commenting opportunities. An electronic copy of the EPR addendum will be posted on the Project website (, the SmartTrack website (,and hardcopies will be made available for review at multiple public locations from August 3 - September 4, 2018, as listed in the Notice.

Should you have any questions, require additional information and/or would like to provide comments, please email Metrolinx at


City of Toronto

c/o Jade Hoskins, Senior Public Consultation Coordinator
tel: 416-338-2848
fax: 416-392-1591


c/o Georgina Collymore, Senior Advisor, Communications and Stakeholder Relations
tel: 416-202-4921
I honestly wouldn't be surprised at the end of the day, all we'll have out of SmartTrack, is a 3 or 4 new GO stations, diesel trains, and longer travel times with more stops.
Which will then be electrified anyway -- just later (e.g. Let's say 2035 instead of 2025).

I think there is no way to avoid electrification sometime this first-half of century.

Hopefully the date remains ~2025ish.

If GO wants to become the "Surface Subway" Ford wants, then it has to become frequent electric 2-way.
Which will then be electrified anyway -- just later (e.g. Let's say 2035 instead of 2025).

I think there is no way to avoid electrification sometime this first-half of century.

Hopefully the date remains ~2025ish.

If GO wants to become the "Surface Subway" Ford wants, then it has to become frequent electric 2-way.

Subways are electric, and if Ford sticks to this train of thought (who knows if he will), then hopefully his Surface Subway/RER stays electric.
Subways are electric, and if Ford sticks to this train of thought (who knows if he will), then hopefully his Surface Subway/RER stays electric.

Thats not the reason for subways in Fords mind. Subways could be coal powered for all he cares.

Ford just doesnt want transit that takes up lanes on the road. The road is for cars, in his mind.

I dont think he is against RER or Smarttrack because they don't take up any road space.

He is just anti-LRT.

But don't be surprised if all of RER but Smarttacks coverage is nixed, and if the rest of the lines just get all day diesel service and extensions into ridings that voted PC.
It’s becoming an interesting dynamic......JK is pushing Tory towards positioning as the “conservative” in the mayoral race, yet Ford Nation has no time for him. Smart track sits right on the tipping point.... Tory’s brand will be singed if ST fails to deliver, but anything branded Tory is an irritant to Ford’s camp.

ST is not necessarily outside Ford’s acceptance zone... if it were pitched as the ‘surface’ version of the subway network, it is consistent with a Ford view of transit.... but that would either make other transit projects unnecessary and cuttable (bad for the city) or it would deprive Ford of his own credit for fixing transit.

If only transit planning were a key fuction that politicians diligently deliver, instead of just a sandbox where they argue about whose is bigger.

- Paul
Ford has a stated history on the issue: (complete with weasel wiggle words)
Council approves $1.46-billion SmartTrack plan
By BEN SPURRTransportation Reporter
Wed., April 25, 2018
A spokesperson for Ontario PC leader Doug Ford wouldn’t commit to supporting SmartTrack.

“Doug Ford has spent his whole career fighting to (build) more subways and transit in the city of Toronto. Folks across the province know that he (supports) the modes of transit that will actually relieve congestion and get people moving,” she said. [...]

Doug Ford takes aim at SmartTrack
Posted: Sep 30, 2014 3:29 PM ET | Last Updated: October 10, 2017

Doug Ford takes aim at SmartTrack

Doug Ford has released an attack ad targeting John Tory's proposed transit plan 0:30

Ben Spurr‏Verified account@BenSpurr
I asked Doug Ford’s team whether he would support SmartTrack and the provincial policies that underpin it like RER and $3 GO fares. Here’s their response:


4:05 pm - 25 Apr 2018 From Toronto, Ontario

    1. New conversation

    2. Ben Spurr‏Verified account@BenSpurr Apr 25
      Difficult to parse that, but the statement about supporting transit modes “that will actually relieve congestion” might be a sign of where he’s headed.

      5 replies .0 retweets0 likes

    3. Ben Spurr‏Verified account@BenSpurr Apr 25
      NDP says they’re committed to RER and $3 GO fares.

It’s becoming an interesting dynamic......JK is pushing Tory towards positioning as the “conservative” in the mayoral race, yet Ford Nation has no time for him. Smart track sits right on the tipping point.... Tory’s brand will be singed if ST fails to deliver, but anything branded Tory is an irritant to Ford’s camp.

ST is not necessarily outside Ford’s acceptance zone... if it were pitched as the ‘surface’ version of the subway network, it is consistent with a Ford view of transit.... but that would either make other transit projects unnecessary and cuttable (bad for the city) or it would deprive Ford of his own credit for fixing transit.

If only transit planning were a key fuction that politicians diligently deliver, instead of just a sandbox where they argue about whose is bigger.

- Paul

Politically RER should be fairly safe since its not "war on car" item and Tory will negotiate it in at all cost. Tory also protected the Smarttrack stations to a certain extent as I believe they were negotiated with the Liberals to be paid for by the City. Ford doesn't have to brand RER to sell to the public as people lives are not going impacted negatively compared to the surface LRT. RER can be built with minimal impact to current commutes and in the end heavily improve local/regional travel in the future. The Province will likely begin to upload subway in some manner and surface LRT will likely be the only projects the Province puts on the chopping block. Tory will play lip service here and may be able to strike a deal that the City takes over the heavy bulk of LRT capital and the Province focuses on growing the subway and RER, but I will there be enough effort to kick start it? Its doubtful.

The Tory and Ford pairing should get along fairly well since they are no longer political opponents and Ford holding the bulk of power. The angry political rhetoric between the two will change drastically and both actually want to look like heros in Toronto on building transit infrastructure. So aside from the ol' LRT there isnt a Mike Harris moment coming on transit. Understandably people should be skeptical of any Conservative after Harris but I think this admin will be pretty good for backbone transit projects, anything else not so much
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I honestly wouldn't be surprised at the end of the day, all we'll have out of SmartTrack, is a 3 or 4 new GO stations, diesel trains, and longer travel times with more stops.
You're being very cynical, untrusting and negative. And I agree with you. All Ford has to do to stop the doubt and distress on RER and/or SmartTrack is to make a policy statement, even if hedged.

It's his absolute absence of re-assurance that plays into negative assumptions. All he can do, perhaps all he's capable of to mime the same old mantras that on analysis, really say nothing.

If GO wants to become the "Surface Subway" Ford wants, then it has to become frequent electric 2-way.
I think almost all of us agree on that, it's bog obvious logic and common sense. But Ford has yet to clarify what to him is a "subway". He may not even know. He might be talking about sandwich shops for all we know, albeit the the best guess is the conventional TTC type, since he talks about extending it to Pickering.

Subways are electric, and if Ford sticks to this train of thought (who knows if he will), then hopefully his Surface Subway/RER stays electric.
Again, that's so incredibly obvious to us, but not a word from Ford or even his Transportation puppet.

ST is not necessarily outside Ford’s acceptance zone... if it were pitched as the ‘surface’ version of the subway network, it is consistent with a Ford view of transit.... but that would either make other transit projects unnecessary and cuttable (bad for the city) or it would deprive Ford of his own credit for fixing transit.
We're all singing the same tune, but Ford can't even get his engine to turn over, let alone start.
You're being very cynical, untrusting and negative. And I agree with you. All Ford has to do to stop the doubt and distress on RER and/or SmartTrack is to make a policy statement, even if hedged.
It's his absolute absence of re-assurance that plays into negative assumptions. All he can do, perhaps all he's capable of to mime the same old mantras that on analysis, really say nothing.

I'm cynical too - but I'm willing to keep my powder dry just yet. Transit is one of the biggest dollar items in the provincial budget, as is health care. There havent been many big announcements out of either silo. These big spend decisions don't get made until there is a consensus between the finance ministry and the transit or health camps, and maybe some other key figures, and only then does it get discussed at Cabinet or in the Premier's office. I suspect that there is lots of noodling and soaking up information and alternative generation and sizing against cash flow planning. The Tories have their internal food chain and there will be people wanting to lobby and get their oar in, and for internal political reasons that will be accommodated.

I'm not suggesting that the end result will be balanced, or insightful, or beyond the simplistic cars and subways mentality... I'm just saying that it's a longer sausage making machine.

On the bright side, (so far) the shot-across-the-bows, "first thing I will do upon taking office" hit list has not included arbitrary cancellations of transit projects. A much more pessimistic scenario would have had DoFo cancelling Finch LRT in the first week, just to get that out of the way and set the tone. Ditto for redirection of Scarboro transit projects to fulfil a Ford agenda.

The end pronouncement may not be pretty, but it will have been crafted with more than a lick and a spit. Stay tuned.

- Paul
I think there is an increased chance now that RER will be Hydrail. Since last reviewed the German experiment with the trains has passed all safety and reliability requirements and the city itself is so impressed that it is going ahead with it's Hydrail order from Alstom all based on technology from a company based in Mississauga.

Also of great significance is the all that is basically needed to begin service is the trains themselves which could easily be delivered BEFORE the next election. Hydrail would allow Ford to put his own stamp on the project, keep his promise of 15 minute service, create local jobs with a new Alstom plant, help a new sector , get the system up and running before the next election, serve his supporters in the 905 and suburban 416, and save a fortune to boot.

Metrolinx will go into melt down as will use standard excuses why it can't be done but one good thing about Ford is that he will unceremoniously tell them to go to hell and get on with it and make your height platform debate be determined in 8 weeks, not 8 years.
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Since last reviewed the German experiment with the trains has passed all safety and reliability requirements and the city itself is so impressed that it is going ahead with it's Hydrail order from Alstom all based on technology from a company based in Mississauga.
It's not a city, it's a State, Schleswig-Holstein. And the Taunus area population is in the magnitude of that of Orillia. It's because of the area's rails not being electrified and diesel being too problematic that they've turned to Hydrail.

Post a link or two to justify your claims. And one not written by the propagandists. Germany, France and most of Europe is still pushing ahead with electrification with catenary where demand warrants it. And so should Ontario.
