Sheridan College (MCC, 4s, Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects) COMPLETE

September 07
Still a fair amount of work both inside and outside. This work should be done by late October.

Only haft of the class rooms ready for use and in used. Not much of a cafeteria, but a good eating area. Library area open, but still needs stuff. Starbucks is open. Computer games setup on the left hand side as you enter the north entrance.






The new EV-3 building at Waterloo is much better, but I may be biased. ;)

Nevertheless this is a really nice building, and it's great to see MCC becoming more urban. I really support closing City Centre Drive to make it more pedestrian like it was recently. It really helped the square.
The new EV-3 building at Waterloo is much better, but I may be biased. ;)

Nevertheless this is a really nice building, and it's great to see MCC becoming more urban. I really support closing City Centre Drive to make it more pedestrian like it was recently. It really helped the square.

I'd have to disagree. IMO, Ev-3 is probably the worst new building at UW in this latest construction wave. The Quantom-Nano Centre is a much better addition to the campus. The Engineering 5 and Math 3 buildings are alright...

But getting back on topic...this new Sheridan building looks great. All of Toronto's major colleges are building impressive new additions.
Sept 22
All the main stairs are still missing the handrails and still close off. A fair number of classrooms still need work.




Do they plan to put anything on the grass in the middle of that roundabout?

They plan on putting a statue of a scholar in the centre. {It will be one of Hazel dress up as a scholar.:cool:}
A statue of a scholar would look really tacky, but, it seems so appropriate for Mississauga, a city that renamed a street to "Living Arts Drive"
Agreed that a statue is the wrong way to go. I do think that an art structure or lighting element would be very cool, especially if they do end up with 4 roundabouts in a row down Duke of York and it could be repeated for effect down the street.
