Sheridan College (MCC, 4s, Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects) COMPLETE

While I love the building, I'm not sure what to think of the walkway/garden thing. Seems like a waste of space...

Maybe it's just me....
While I love the building, I'm not sure what to think of the walkway/garden thing. Seems like a waste of space...

Maybe it's just me....
Mississauguans just love their wide open spaces. MCC development has to have them. Otherwise people will get uncomfortable.

Looks just like my balcony. It will be a blessed day when they ban smoking. Hopefully I'm alive to see it.
Mississauguans just love their wide open spaces. MCC development has to have them. Otherwise people will get uncomfortable.
That is what is Sooo wrong for this area, let along for the city.

Between Open space and low rise, the core will remain a core, not this so call downtown they talk about.
Common ... the open space here is nice.

I by your arguments for other parts of MCC, but if you assume all those are developed you'd appreciate the space here up front.

So if anything you can call this good planning when you look 30/40 years from now.
It's a college campus! Having a park in the middle of a college campus isn't unreasonable.

If there is anything to complain about, it is the parking lots. Those will be gone, hopefully, after the next phases.
Mississauguans just love their wide open spaces. MCC development has to have them. Otherwise people will get uncomfortable.
I don't think that has anything to do with it. The plan is to eventually have 4 buildings and this will be the space between 2 of them. Pretty much any urban university or college has some sort of 'common' or grounds for student to gather.

Once the area is built out, this will be sandwiched between buildings and have a far more urban feel than some simple grass hill with benches around the perimeter. THAT park is is the silly one, IMO.
Well I thought the park (especially when it becomes a courtyard after the quadrangle is complete) looks better than the building - the exterior of which, while interesting, is a completely jumbled mess especially at the southern half of the building. The LED ticker at the main entrance just made it that much worse.

Well I thought the park (especially when it becomes a courtyard after the quadrangle is complete) looks better than the building - the exterior of which, while interesting, is a completely jumbled mess especially at the southern half of the building.


It's the architectural equivalent of the Human Centipede.
I personally like the park (like the fact it's different) and consider it appropriate being it's on a college campus. I'm not too sure about the new 'art" structure in the park, it doesn't do anything for me but I do like the outdoor classroom/meeting place.



rooftop solar panals...

living wall

new lighting


That statue of Hurricane Hazel is creeeepy! Almost Lenin-esq (as-is she) :s
That park is pretty awesome tho! Will look much better 5 years down the road when (IF) those trees grow a bit more (which depends on how they were planted).
Mississauguans just love their wide open spaces. MCC development has to have them. Otherwise people will get uncomfortable.

Enjoy it while you can; the City Centre area is filling in and those wide open spaces (the remnants of the iconic open rangeland?) will have 40-storey structures dotting the landsape soon enough.
Enjoy it while you can; the City Centre area is filling in and those wide open spaces (the remnants of the iconic open rangeland?) will have 40-storey structures dotting the landsape soon enough.
You are probably right. I just hope that said 40-story structures don't end up being more "towers in the park" because that is the precedent set by most of what has been built in this area so far.
To be fair, most of the towers in the immediate area aren't of the 50s/60s "towers in the park" typology (save the Kaneff buildings and the various office buildings to the east of Square One)

