And given the sort of people I *have* seen using the bus regularly (Alan Gottlieb, among others), well...let's rest our case. Maybe if EFSF Jaburo's planning to run as a Marxist-Leninist candidate in a future election, I can understand his beef--particularly since he also mentioned Castle Frank as a candidate for closure, presumably because it's also too proximate to Rosedale mansions. (But duh, even more essential bus lines loop there, and ones that don't just serve the "rich areas", to boot. Heck, the fact that both Rosedale and Castle Frank have bus loops is a good an alibi as anything to not divert bus lines elsewhere, unless you want to add to surface congestion or else blast out city blocks for busways and bus facilities, etc. Or to phase out buses altogether on behalf of non-stop Subwaytopia. And what does he mean by "walk ins", anyway--that people living out around Glen and Binscarth can just take a short stroll to the subway? Rosedale is *huge*.)
And re my "completely irrelevant picture", it's relevant by way of metaphor--that is, it's as asinine to insist that Rosedale be closed on "density matters" grounds, as it is to insist that the TD Centre banking pavilion be demolished on "density matters" grounds. Like sure, one can argue that a single-storey banking pavilion at the very symbolic four-corners core of the Financial District is a pitiful waste of space compared to what a supertall can provide; but...
Oh, and EFSF Jaburo: there's already several subway stops serving the TD Centre, plus a streetcar and bus line as backup; so unless you want a Bay-stationed King Street subway, too, it's already pretty much maxed out.
Of course, the "Gundammy friend" comment highlights all one needs to highlight about him. Esp. when posting at 1:00AM on a Saturday evening/Sunday morning, such a character makes an Ayn Rand adherent look like a Jane Jacobs adherent...